Tuesday, March 26, 2013







  • Wrestling banquet: All wrestlers who finished the season (were on the regional roster) along with their families are invited to the wrestling banquet on Tues., April 2 in the cafeteria at Edison from 5:30 until 6:30 pm. Pizza, drinks and cake will be provided.  Families are asked to bring a side dish or chips.


  • Volleyball banquet: All managers and volleyball players along with their families are invited to the volleyball banquet on Monday, April 8 in the cafeteria at Edison from 5:30 until 6:30 pm.  Fried chicken, drinks and cake will be provided. Families are asked to bring a side dish.



   *  flier with important dates for athletics

   *  Unit 4 form


     the IESA physical form will be sent later please make sure all the required athletic paperwork is turned in to Ms. Borchardt in room 122 NOT THE OFFICE



upcoming events:

Tuesday, April 2 - Wrestling banquet


Monday, April 8 - Volleyball banquet


Tuesday, April 16 - Rantoul track meet


Wednesday, April 17 - St. Matt's track meet


Saturday, April 20 - Urbana track meet


Tuesday, April 23 - Mattoon track meet


Saturday, May 4 - Unity track meet


Saturday, May 11 - Track sectional


Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19 - Track state



The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org<mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org<mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org<mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>>ptsa@edison.u4friends.org<mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com<http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com/>>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com<http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com/> or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.




March 26


  • No School: No school this Friday, March 29th for Spring Holiday.

  • Dishes: For those who brought in desserts for the teacher luncheon your dishes are ready for pick up in the teacher lounge. Thank you so much for your generosity.


  • Summer Enrichment: Summer Enrichment Extravaganza When: Tuesday, April 16, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Where: Champaign Public Library, Robeson Pavilion Rooms A, B, & C Looking for ways to keep your child and/or teen engaged this summer? Come to the Summer Enrichment Extravaganza, a community-wide youth programming resource fair, which will take place on Tuesday, April 16, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Champaign Public Library. Meet program staff from 30 campus and C-U community organizations that offer summer programs, activities, and learning opportunities for students in pre-K through 12th grade. Please feel free to contact me at 265-4705 or via email at Lfmoore@illinois.edu if you have any questions.



  • Science Olympiad Results: Edison's Science Olympiad Team will be going to the State Contest on April 20th after placing 3rd in Regionals at Parkland College.  Congratulations to all of our kids who have really worked!


Parkland Science Olympiad Regional Results: (March 9, 2013)


1st Disease Detectives: Emma Jackson, Annie Mattson


1st Dynamic Planet: Emma Jackson, Annie Mattson


1st Food Science: Brian Jung, Annie Mattson


1st Heredity: Aayush Bhatia, Omeed Miraftab-Salo


2nd Metric Mastery: Nidhi Dholaria, Dhvanil Popat


2nd Road Scholar: Nidhi Dholaria, Dhvanil Popat


3rd Forestry:Rahi Miraftab-Salo, Young Jin Shin


3rd Keep the Heat: Caleb Patton, Young Jin Shin


3rd Rotor Egg Drop: Omeed Miraftab-Salo, Dhvanil Popat


3rd Water Quality: Emma Jackson, Omeed Miraftab-Salo



March 14


  • Kindergarten Registration: Does your student have a younger sibling entering kindergarten next year? Now is the time to register! March 1-28, 2013 is the registration period for incoming kindergarten students who will turn five on or before September 1, 2013. Even students with siblings currently enrolled in one of our schools are required to register during this time. Attached is more info.


  • Summer Camps for Middle Schoolers: Illini Tutoring recently gave a short presentation to the Edison PTSA. Attached is some info regarding summer camps for middle school aged students.



March 12




If you haven't taken a few minutes to complete the 5 Essentials Survey please do so soon. We need feedback from more Edison families. Please take the time to do the survey today. See info below and the PDF attached to learn more.


  • Important Survey: Champaign Unit 4 School District will join the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) in providing a unique opportunity for teachers, students in grades 6-12, and parents across the state to have a role in improving their schools. Between February 1 and the end of March 2013, teachers, students and parents will be asked to take a 15-minute research-based survey to help identify strengths and weaknesses in their school's climate and learning conditions. Here is the link to the survey https://illinois.5-essentials.org/2012/ and more info is attached.



  • Big Thank You: Big thanks to Marble Slab Creamery for donating ice cream desserts for our teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences. Your generosity is really appreciated. Because of this donation and others volunteering to bring in desserts we are good for Teacher Appreciation. Thank you to everyone. It means a lot to the teachers and to the PTSA your willingness to help out.

  • NEW Website: The Fine Arts Department has a website!  Please check here for information regarding Encore classes, Musical rehearsals, Art club, and anything else arts!  The website is: www.edisonfinearts.com  You can also subscribe and receive email alerts if something changes.


  • Calendar of Events for 8th graders and other students: The end of the school year is just around the corner. There are so many events and activities that happen, particularly for 8th grade students, we have put together a calendar of events for parents. Calendar is attached


  • Important Survey: Champaign Unit 4 School District will join the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) in providing a unique opportunity for teachers, students in grades 6-12, and parents across the state to have a role in improving their schools. Between February 1 and the end of March 2013, teachers, students and parents will be asked to take a 15-minute research-based survey to help identify strengths and weaknesses in their school's climate and learning conditions. Here is the link to the survey https://illinois.5-essentials.org/2012/ and more info is attached.


  • 8th grade parents: It is that time of year.  We are collecting baby pictures of your student.  The baby pictures will be put in the two display cases located across from the auditorium entrance for the month of May.  They will be taken down and returned at the end of the promotion ceremony.  Mr. Guzman and Mr. Becker are collecting the baby pictures.  Please write the name of the student on the back of the pictures.  Parents/students will need to pick up the pictures at the end of the year.  We will be accepting them until April 12th.










The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>ptsa@edison.u4friends.org and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/