Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564



 August 31



  • IMPORTANT EARLY DISMISSAL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY: Due to the projected high heat index, Edison, Franklin, and Jefferson Middle Schools and Central High Schools will dismiss early Thursday and Friday, September 1 and 2. The dismissal times are as follows: Jefferson will dismiss at 12:50 PM. Edison will dismiss at 12:55 PM. Central will dismiss at 1:05 PM and Franklin will dismiss at 1:10 PM.Transportation schedules will be adjusted to the early dismissal times. Currently, all eleven elementary schools and Centennial High School have air conditioning and will not dismiss early. The Unit 4 Board of Education has authorized a review of the middle school facilities and Central High School to determine the best option for air conditioning those buildings. In the meantime, in order to ensure the safety of all students, Edison, Franklin, Jefferson and Central will dismiss early on Thursday and Friday according to the District's Heat Action Plan.


  • Student Council: The first Student Council meeting will be Wednesday, September 7th after school in Mrs. Altenbaumer's room, room 234.  We will finish around 3:15.  Student Council participates in community service activities, recycling, school store, selling Edison water bottles, selling candy grams, organizing the 8th grade dance and we do lots more.  Student Council is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  Everyone is welcome.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Altenbaumer or Mr. Guzman. 


  • Meeting Rescheduled: The Girls Basketball parent meeting for tomorrow will be rescheduled.



August 30


Athletic Info for 8/29–9/2

GBB= Girls Basketball

BB= Boys Baseball

XC= Cross Country

BBB=Boys Basketball



Wednesday, Aug. 31

        *       GBB:    

                       8TH grade - first practice from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

                       7th grade  - last day of tryouts from 4:30 - 6 pm in the north gym


       *           BB  DH at Unity, 4:00 pm (game is played at the high school)


 Thursday, Sept. 1

     *   BB DH vs Jefferson at Zahnd Park, 4pm  (JV will play first then V)

     *  GBB parent meeting at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria


Friday, Sept. 2

     XC at Chrisman, 4pm (Team needs to leave class at 2:00 pm)


  • BBB TryoutsTryouts will begin on Monday, Oct. 17.  Watch for the fliers around school so you will know what time your tryout is. Any 6th, 7th and 8th grade boy interested in trying out the 7th and 8th grade IESA teams must have all their required paperwork (current physical, completed Champaign Unit 4 form and a copy of their insurance card/medical card) turned in to Ms. Borchardt by Friday, Sept. 30. 


  • Superintendent Search: Champaign Unit 4 Schools will hold a community forum on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7 PM at Centennial High School regarding the search for a new Superintendent. The community forum will be led by the search firm, School Exec Connect. The Junior League of Champaign-Urbana is assisting with the event. See attched PDF for more info and the link to the survey.



  • Golf "Fore" the Band: The Edison Band program will be hosting it's 1st ever golf outing on Saturday, September 17th at the U of I golf course.  Shotgun start at 8am, $75 per person includes greens fee and cart, range balls, prizes and lunch.  Hole sponsorships are available at $100 each.  Golf in the morning and watch Illini football in evening! Entry/sponsorship  form is attached.  Questions? contact Jo Lynne Clauson at or 359-8099.



Community Events

 Champaign Public Library: Subject: FIRST Lego League (FLL) Kickoff event at Champaign Public Library. Illini Robotics is holding an FLL (FIRST Lego Leauge) Kickoff event for the 2011 FLL Food Factor season in Robeson rooms A and B at the Champaign Public Library on Sept 11, 2011 from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.  In addition to FLL, this event will also be used to share information regarding exciting FIRST robotics opportunuties for FLL graduates and other high school students interested in competing in the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and / or FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) tournaments.


We will have this year's FLL Food Factor mat and mission models on display for teams who have not yet registered or received their Field setup kits. In addition, We will have information for 9-14 year old students who are interested in participating in FLL but who presently do not have a team on which to compete.  We are hoping to help facilitate the formation of new rookie teams from the growing number of kids who would like to particpate in FLL.  To assist these rookie teams, we are in the process of recruiting University students to help mentor these teams. For those unfamiliar with FLL, more information can be found here:


For our high school aged students (14-18), we will have information on joining FTC and FRC teams.  The FTC competition consists of teams of up to 10 students and takes place in the fall.  The FRC competition takes place in the spring and consists of teams of up to 50 students, so we are looking to recruit students from all the various high schools to compete on a single team.  More information for these competitions can be found at



Earn Money For Edison: Help Edison earn $ when you search or order online.  If you download the Goodsearch toolbar (or go to <>, choose Edison and use it for searching or use the Goodshop icon for shopping we earn money every time.  There are also coupons and deals on this site.  Money received is used for technology for staff and students at Edison.  The link is on Edison's homepage.  <>



At County Market You can sign up for OR register your current County Market Max Card for Education to Edison Middle School, the number is #331. Remember even if you have already registered this needs to be updated annually. Target has a similar reward program called Take Charge for Education. Simply apply for a Target charge (Red Card)/debit card, get approved, and Target donates 1% of your Red Card/Target Debit card purchases to your school. Here is the link for more info and to apply If you already have a Target charge/debit you can still earn money for Edison. With holiday shopping coming up this is a great and EASY way to help Edison Middle School!


The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564



 August 30


Importan Message About Weather: We are watching the weather closely this week and anticipate some extreme temperatures by the end of this week.  Please be aware, that although none of us can predict the weather, there is a possibility that our Heat  Related Closing Procedures may be put into place at some point this week.  Those decisions are made in the morning and parents are notified as soon as possible via School Messenger email and phone calls.  We share this information today only in an advisory capacity so that you can be familiar with our policy and plan ahead.  No decisions have been made at this time and each day will be considered on a day by day basis. 


Thank you,


Orlando Thomas

Director of Achievement and Pupil Services

Unit 4 Schools


August 29

  • Athletic Info for 8/29–9/2

GBB= Girls Basketball

BB= Boys Baseball

XC= Cross Country

BBB=Boys Basketball



Tuesday, Aug. 30

     *    GBB tryouts

                   8th grade from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

                   7th grade from 4:30 - 6:00 pm in the north gym


         *       JV BB (no varsity game) at St. Matt's, 4:15 pm



Wednesday, Aug. 31

        *       GBB:    

                       8TH grade - first practice from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

                       7th grade  - last day of tryouts from 4:30 - 6 pm in the north gym


       *           BB  DH at Unity, 4:00 pm (game is played at the high school)


 Thursday, Sept. 1

     *   BB DH vs Jefferson at Zahnd Park, 4pm  (JV will play first then V)

     *  GBB parent meeting at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria


Friday, Sept. 2

     XC at Chrisman, 4pm (Team needs to leave class at 2:00 pm)


  •  GBB Tryouts: Any young lady in 6th, 7th or 8th grade wishing to tryout for the 7th and 8th grade IESA GBB teams must have all their required paperwork (current physical, completed Champaign Unit 4 form and a copy of their insurance card/medical card) turned in to Ms. Borchardt by 8 am Monday, Aug. 29.  If your daughter does not have all the required paperwork turned in by 8 am on Monday, Aug. 29 she will not be able to tryout this year.



  •  BBB TryoutsTryouts will begin on Monday, Oct. 17.  Watch for the fliers around school so you will know what time your tryout is. Any 6th, 7th and 8th grade boy interested in trying out the 7th and 8th grade IESA teams must have all their required paperwork (current physical, completed Champaign Unit 4 form and a copy of their insurance card/medical card) turned in to Ms. Borchardt by Friday, Sept. 30. 




August 26


  • Time change for GBB and BBB games to be played in Rantoul: Rantoul has changed their start time for GBB and BBB games to 5:00 pm (bus will leave at 3:45 and return around 8:30 pm).  Updated schedules are attached.  Volleyball is not impacted because we play in their tournament on a Sat. If you have any questions please contact Jackie Borchardt (377 - 8584




  • Permission Slips: 8th graders will be bringing home permission slips for the 8th grade team building event. Please sign and send back as soon as possible.  We still need chaperones/volunteers for this event on Friday, September 2nd. Please e mail if you can volunteer your time.




  • 8th Grade Team Building Chaperones:  Friday, September 2nd Edison 8th Graders will be participating in a team building event. The event is being held at Hardy's Reindeer Ranch. We need chaperones for this trip! Parents/Guardians can either help with the  8:45-11am group or the 10:30-12:45 group. Please send an e-mail to if you are able to help. We really need parents to volunteer to make this a success!


  • Superintendent Search: Champaign Unit 4 Schools will hold a community forum on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7 PM at Centennial High School regarding the search for a new Superintendent. The community forum will be led by the search firm, School Exec Connect. The Junior League of Champaign-Urbana is assisting with the event. See attched PDF for more info and the link to the survey.



  • Golf "Fore" the Band: The Edison Band program will be hosting it's 1st ever golf outing on Saturday, September 17th at the U of I golf course.  Shotgun start at 8am, $75 per person includes greens fee and cart, range balls, prizes and lunch.  Hole sponsorships are available at $100 each.  Golf in the morning and watch Illini football in evening! Entry/sponsorship  form is attached.  Questions? contact Jo Lynne Clauson at or 359-8099.



Community Events




Earn Money For Edison: Help Edison earn $ when you search or order online.  If you download the Goodsearch toolbar (or go to <>, choose Edison and use it for searching or use the Goodshop icon for shopping we earn money every time.  There are also coupons and deals on this site.  Money received is used for technology for staff and students at Edison.  The link is on Edison's homepage.  <>



At County Market You can sign up for OR register your current County Market Max Card for Education to Edison Middle School, the number is #331. Remember even if you have already registered this needs to be updated annually. Target has a similar reward program called Take Charge for Education. Simply apply for a Target charge (Red Card)/debit card, get approved, and Target donates 1% of your Red Card/Target Debit card purchases to your school. Here is the link for more info and to apply If you already have a Target charge/debit you can still earn money for Edison. With holiday shopping coming up this is a great and EASY way to help Edison Middle School!


The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>


Monday, August 29, 2011


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564





August 29

  • Athletic Info for 8/29–9/2

Monday, Aug. 29

     *  GBB tryouts

            8th grade from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

            6th grade from 4:30 - 6:00 pm in the north gym


     *  BB at Normal Parkside (Team is to leave class at 2:00). 


Tuesday, Aug. 30

     *    GBB tryouts

                   8th grade from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

                   7th grade from 4:30 - 6:00 pm in the north gym


         *       JV BB (no varsity game) at St. Matt's, 4:15 pm



Wednesday, Aug. 31

        *       GBB:    

                       8TH grade - first practice from 3 - 4:30 pm in the north gym

                       7th grade  - last day of tryouts from 4:30 - 6 pm in the north gym


       *           BB  DH at Unity, 4:00 pm (game is played at the high school)


 Thursday, Sept. 1

     *   BB DH vs Jefferson at Zahnd Park, 4pm  (JV will play first then V)

     *  GBB parent meeting at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria


Friday, Sept. 2

     XC at Chrisman, 4pm (Team needs to leave class at 2:00 pm)


  •  GBB Tryouts: Any young lady in 6th, 7th or 8th grade wishing to tryout for the 7th and 8th grade IESA GBB teams must have all their required paperwork (current physical, completed Champaign Unit 4 form and a copy of their insurance card/medical card) turned in to Ms. Borchardt by 8 am Monday, Aug. 29.  If your daughter does not have all the required paperwork turned in by 8 am on Monday, Aug. 29 she will not be able to tryout this year.



  •  BBB TryoutsTryouts will begin on Monday, Oct. 17.  Watch for the fliers around school so you will know what time your tryout is. Any 6th, 7th and 8th grade boy interested in trying out the 7th and 8th grade IESA teams must have all their required paperwork (current physical, completed Champaign Unit 4 form and a copy of their insurance card/medical card) turned in to Ms. Borchardt by Friday, Sept. 30. 



 August 26


  • Time change for GBB and BBB games to be played in Rantoul: Rantoul has changed their start time for GBB and BBB games to 5:00 pm (bus will leave at 3:45 and return around 8:30 pm).  Updated schedules are attached.  Volleyball is not impacted because we play in their tournament on a Sat. If you have any questions please contact Jackie Borchardt (377 - 8584



August 25


  • Permission Slips: 8th graders will be bringing home permission slips for the 8th grade team building event. Please sign and send back as soon as possible.  We still need chaperones/volunteers for this event on Friday, September 2nd. Please e mail if you can volunteer your time.




August 24


  • 8th Grade Team Building Chaperones:  Friday, September 2nd Edison 8th Graders will be participating in a team building event. The event is being held at Hardy's Reindeer Ranch. We need chaperones for this trip! Parents/Guardians can either help with the  8:45-11am group or the 10:30-12:45 group. Please send an e-mail to if you are able to help. We really need parents to volunteer to make this a success!


  • Superintendent Search: Champaign Unit 4 Schools will hold a community forum on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7 PM at Centennial High School regarding the search for a new Superintendent. The community forum will be led by the search firm, School Exec Connect. The Junior League of Champaign-Urbana is assisting with the event. See attched PDF for more info and the link to the survey.



August 23


  • Community Events:  At the bottom of the Edison Announcements is a section called "community events" We try to post things that are of interest to parents/students. Make sure to check it out!



  • U of I Research: Attached to this e-mail is a request for parents of 7th grade students/parents to participate in a research study. Students and parents are compensated for their participation. Please see the attachment for more info. Participation is completely voluntary and this program is not affiliated with Edison.





  • Golf "Fore" the Band: The Edison Band program will be hosting it's 1st ever golf outing on Saturday, September 17th at the U of I golf course.  Shotgun start at 8am, $75 per person includes greens fee and cart, range balls, prizes and lunch.  Hole sponsorships are available at $100 each.  Golf in the morning and watch Illini football in evening! Entry/sponsorship  form is attached.  Questions? contact Jo Lynne Clauson at or 359-8099.



Community Events


  • Champaign Public Library: Student Book Giveaway at the Champaign Public Library FriendShop

We're not talking textbooks here! Students can discover a bargain source for books for relaxed reading, and get one book free! On Saturday and Sunday, August 27 and 28, the Champaign Public Library Friends invite students of all ages to visit the FriendShop used book store and choose one book to take home free. Located on the lower level of the library, at 200 W. Green St., the shop is open weekends from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Note: No purchase necessary for giveaway; does not include individually priced "special books."




Earn Money For Edison: Help Edison earn $ when you search or order online.  If you download the Goodsearch toolbar (or go to <>, choose Edison and use it for searching or use the Goodshop icon for shopping we earn money every time.  There are also coupons and deals on this site.  Money received is used for technology for staff and students at Edison.  The link is on Edison's homepage.  <>



At County Market You can sign up for OR register your current County Market Max Card for Education to Edison Middle School, the number is #331. Remember even if you have already registered this needs to be updated annually. Target has a similar reward program called Take Charge for Education. Simply apply for a Target charge (Red Card)/debit card, get approved, and Target donates 1% of your Red Card/Target Debit card purchases to your school. Here is the link for more info and to apply If you already have a Target charge/debit you can still earn money for Edison. With holiday shopping coming up this is a great and EASY way to help Edison Middle School!


The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564




August 25


Permission Slips: 8th graders will be bringing home permission slips for the 8th grade team building event. Please sign and send back as soon as possible.  We still need chaperones/volunteers for this event on Friday, September 2nd. Please e mail if you can volunteer your time.




August 24


      8th Grade Team Building Chaperones:  Friday, September 2nd Edison 8th Graders will be participating in a team building event. The event is being held at Hardy's Reindeer Ranch. We need chaperones for this trip! Parents/Guardians can either help with the  8:45-11am group or the 10:30-12:45 group. Please send an e-mail to if you are able to help. We really need parents to volunteer to make this a success!




      Band Meeting: Welcome back Edison Band students. We will be having our first (MANDATORY) Band Meeting on Thursday August 25th at 7:00pm in the Auditorium. We will be going over the upcoming year and discussing the details for our trip to Orlando, FL! At least one adult from each family should be present.




      Superintendent Search: Champaign Unit 4 Schools will hold a community forum on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7 PM at Centennial High School regarding the search for a new Superintendent. The community forum will be led by the search firm, School Exec Connect. The Junior League of Champaign-Urbana is assisting with the event. See attched PDF for more info and the link to the survey.





August 23


      Community Events:  At the bottom of the Edison Announcements is a section called "community events" We try to post things that are of interest to parents/students. Make sure to check it out!



U of I Research: Attached to this e-mail is a request for parents of 7th grade students/parents to participate in a research study. Students and parents are compensated for their participation. Please see the attachment for more info. Participation is completely voluntary and this program is not affiliated with Edison.



August 22



      Important Dates Calendar: Attached to this e-mail are important dates. They include the school calendar for days off, early dismissal, PTSA meetings, school dances and etc., Please make sure to check it out!




      Cross Country: Sat. Aug. 27  Edison XC will host their invitational.  We have 20 schools planning to attend which means we will have about 500 runners! This is a fantastic event so if you are free come on out to Robeson Park.  All 70 of our XC runners will be running. The first race begins at 9am.




      Athletic Info 8/20-8/27:



BB = Baseball    (DH = double header)

XC = Cross Country


Thurs., Aug. 25

   XC at Winterview Park at 4:15 (Runners will be dismissed from class at 2:00 pm)



Fri., Aug. 26

     DH BB at Zahnd vs Rantoul, 4pm


Sat., Aug. 27

     DH BB at Zahnd vs SV, 10 am

     Edison XC Invitational at Robeson Park 9am


Coaches: We are very fortunate to have extremely dedicated coaches for all our tathletic teams.  I will send out a list of the entire coaching staff in the near distant future but for now here are our coaches for Baseball, Cross Country and Girls Basketball. Girls basketball tryouts start Aug. 29.  If the girls ask about tryout info there are pink sheets all over the building with the info.

 Cross Country Head Coach:  Julie Mills


Cross Country Asst. Coach:  Conan Jurkowski


Baseball Varsity Coach:  Joel Beesely


Baseball JV Coach:  Mark Pataky


7th grade Girls Basketball:  Meg Bettenhausen


8th grade Girls Basketball:  Kelly Koller



Golf "Fore" the Band: The Edison Band program will be hosting it's 1st ever golf outing on Saturday, September 17th at the U of I golf course.  Shotgun start at 8am, $75 per person includes greens fee and cart, range balls, prizes and lunch.  Hole sponsorships are available at $100 each.  Golf in the morning and watch Illini football in evening! Entry/sponsorship  form is attached.  Questions? contact Jo Lynne Clauson at or 359-8099.


Spirit Wear Orders:  There is still time to order the Edison spirit wear that was sold at registration.  The order form is attached; just send the completed form with your payment in an envelope marked "attention PTSA" to the office with your payment by August 26th, and the order will be distributed to your child around the middle of September.  Contact Jo Lynne Clauson with any questions at


Community Events


      Champaign Public Library: Student Book Giveaway at the Champaign Public Library FriendShop

We're not talking textbooks here! Students can discover a bargain source for books for relaxed reading, and get one book free! On Saturday and Sunday, August 27 and 28, the Champaign Public Library Friends invite students of all ages to visit the FriendShop used book store and choose one book to take home free. Located on the lower level of the library, at 200 W. Green St., the shop is open weekends from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Note: No purchase necessary for giveaway; does not include individually priced "special books."




Earn Money For Edison: Help Edison earn $ when you search or order online.  If you download the Goodsearch toolbar (or go to <>, choose Edison and use it for searching or use the Goodshop icon for shopping we earn money every time.  There are also coupons and deals on this site.  Money received is used for technology for staff and students at Edison.  The link is on Edison's homepage.  <>



At County Market You can sign up for OR register your current County Market Max Card for Education to Edison Middle School, the number is #331. Remember even if you have already registered this needs to be updated annually. Target has a similar reward program called Take Charge for Education. Simply apply for a Target charge (Red Card)/debit card, get approved, and Target donates 1% of your Red Card/Target Debit card purchases to your school. Here is the link for more info and to apply If you already have a Target charge/debit you can still earn money for Edison. With holiday shopping coming up this is a great and EASY way to help Edison Middle School!


The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>