Friday, September 3, 2010


September 3



The Champaign Police Department have received reports of vehicles approaching school-aged children and have issued a public safety alert. Please see the attached PDF to see their safety press release. 




The PTSA is currently looking for people to fill the following positions.


Staff Appreciation Coordinator- This committee is responsible for recognizing school employees throughout the year in some way. The PTSA normally hosts 2 dinners during the year during parent teacher confererences and also coordinates monthly recognition of Edison staff.  The coordinator is encouraged to attend monthly PTSA board meetings.


PTSA Volunteer Coordinator - This position is responsible for organizing volunteers for PTSA functions such as Open House, 5th Grade Open House, and Registration.  It will include writing announcements to request volunteers, calling parents to request help as needed, and scheduling volunteers for specific events.  The coordinator is encouraged to attend monthly PTSA board meetings.


If you are interested in either of these positions please contact Kristian Sargeant at




September 7th Edison will be handing out P.E. uniforms to those students who ordered them. We need 1–2 volunteers to help hand out uniforms to students during first and second hour. If you are able to help in any way please contact Jennifer Clarke at




The home access system is a way of tracking student grades and attendance online.  You should have received a letter at registration explaining the system that included your login and password and a second letter with login information for your student.  After experiencing some problems the system is now working.  If you are unable to login with the information that you were given or you did not receive this information at registration please call 217-351-3771.  If your student needs help with their information they can stop in the main office or the computer lab.




The first PTSA board meeting of the school year will be held September 7th at 11:00am at St. John's Catholic Newman Center (604 East Armory Avenue, Champaign).  These meetings are open to everyone and we encourage all parents to attend.  The more people involved the more we can accomplish this year!  Parking around the Newman Center is metered so please make sure you bring change!  We will be meeting in dining room which is at the north end of the Newman Center.  If you have any questions please contact Kristian Sargeant at



Any students interested in playing the violin, viola, cello or string bass, should see Mr. Turner right after school to pick up a sign-up form.  The classes will meet after school once a week.  If there are any interested 6th graders on team adventurers, it's possible to put orchestra in your regular schedule.

In addition, if there are any 6th grade band students that are unable to rent a band instrument, you are welcome to join strings.  I have quite a few instruments available to be played.  We will offer beginning instruction during 3rd period.  See Mr. Turner or Mr. Lehman.



September 1



Due to a scheduling conflict the first dance of the year will now be on September 17th from 6 to 8.   It is usually the largest of the year. We are looking for a minimum of 25 volunteers to help sell concessions and monitor the gym. Volunteers should arrive at 5:30 and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. There will be a table with name tags and duty assignments. If you would like to volunteer, please let Kristian Sargeant know by contacting her directly at Some kids prefer that their parents stay in the cafeteria and not be in the gym, just let her know.




There is a need for volunteers to do the following:


·      2 money takers- keeping all children in the gym until 6:30 p.m.


·      2 main door monitors- helping to keep the lines straight and orderly until everyone is check in and not letting anyone leave until the dance is over


·      8 concession volunteers- selling of the sugary treats


·      8 gym monitors- making sure the dancing is appropriate and there are no problems in the gym


·      2 floaters - walking the halls, gym, and concessions area


·      2 restroom monitors - You can trade off between the restroom and gym duties during the evening


·      2 parking lot monitors - When the dance is over, helping with the flow and supervision of those waiting outside.


 Please reply to Kristian Sargeant at if you can help. Tell friends who may also want to help. The dance is sponsored by the PTSA and is a great way to raise money for the school.


August 31



Weekly events for Aug. 30 – Sept. 3


Monday, Aug. 30

Baseball (DH) at Zahnd versus Normal Parkside, 4:00 PM with bus leaving Edison at 3:00 PM

                GBB tryouts


Tuesday, Aug. 31

JV baseball (single) at St. Matt's, 4:00 PM with bus leaving Edison at 3:00 PM

XC at Winterview Park, 4:15 PM with bus leaving Edison at 2:00

               GBB tryouts


Wednesday, Sept. 1

Baseball (DH) at Zahnd versus Tolono, 4:00 PM with bus leaving Edison at 3:00 PM

              GBB tryouts


Thursday, Sept. 2

Baseball (DH) at Spalding versus Jefferson, 4:00 PM with bus leaving Edison at 3:00 PM

               GBB parent meeting 5:30 PM in the cafeteria


Friday, Sept. 3

                XC at Chrisman, 4:00 PM with bus leaving Edison at 2:00 PM


August 30




Any students interested in playing the violin, viola, cello or string bass, should see Mr. Turner right after school to pick up a sign-up form.  The classes will meet after school once a week.  If there are any interested 6th graders on Team Adventurers, it's possible to put orchestra in your regular schedule.






The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>