Friday, December 3, 2010


December 3

  • Borders Bookstore: Borders bookstore is teaming up with to donate $15 to schools for each purchase (there is no minimum purchase) made on December 4th and 5th. For more details visit the link below and participate if you can. This is a great way to get some shopping done and support Edison!

  • New System Notification: In order to more effectively communicate weather related closings to parents and staff, Champaign Unit 4 Schools has a new notification system in place. Parents and staff will now receive alerts by telephone and email in the event that weather causes a school closing or change in schedule. Champaign Schools will continue to contact local media and post information on its website, but the information will now be delivered directly to parents and staff members. This system will also be utilized in the daily attendance process when students are absent and the school has not received a call from a parent or guardian. School officials encourage parents to make sure their phone numbers and emails are up to date at their child's school. Home phones are preferred in a weather emergency. If a family has no home phone, the District will use cell phone numbers.The District will begin testing the system soon.