Friday, March 9, 2012


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564




March 9


  • Volleyball: Congratulations to Coach Hook and our 8th grade Volleyball Team -  They are the regional champions!!! They will face Mattoon or Effingham on Mon., March 12 at Jefferson, 6:00 pm. The winner of this sectional game advances to state which will be held on Sat., March 17 and Tues., March 20 at Normal Kingsley.


March 8


  • PTSA Meeting: The next PTSA Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 13th at 6pm. We are moving the time to 6pm because of a band concert. We will be accepting nominations for officers and committee chairs for the 2012–2013 school year. All are welcome to attend.


  • Science Olympiad: Edison placed second in the Parkland Regional Science Olympiad Tournament and advanced to the state competition on April 14. Twelve of our team received at least one medal with a total of thirty medals won by these talented students. This is a credit to their hard work and to the parents and volunteers who supported them and helped them learn the science. Students who medaled and the number of medals they won include: Aashika Ashok (4), Julian Bennan-Pomatto (3), Nidhi Dholaria (3), Emily Gibson (3), Nick Hittle (3), Jennifer Hong (Team Captain) (2), Jiwon Jeong (2), Brian Jung (1), Kelisha Koradiya (3), Thomas Phelps (2), Corbin Phillips (3), and Mikhail Sigalov (1). Coach Kuppler is especially proud of the eighth grade students who have worked for three years to share in this victory.


  • Greg Novak: School Board Member, Greg Novak, passed away yesterday unexpectedly. Our condolences go out to his family.


March 6


  • Staff Meal During Conferences: The PTSA will be providing a meal for the teachers on Thursday evening (March 15th) next week before the first conferences start.  We will be providing lasagna and garlic bread and are asking for your help to complete the meal.  We need donations of the following items:  bags of salad mix, salad dressing, drinks and desserts.  We also need people to work set-up (~3:00pm) and clean-up (~5:30pm).  If you're going to be at Edison at that time for a conference, we would really appreciate your help!  Please e-mail Lynnette Dodds at if you would like to donate your time or a food item. 



March 5


  • Fundraiser: On Friday March 30, College Bound will be sponsoring a Pies in the Face fundraiser to raise money for Wesley Food Bank. During their lunch hour, students will have the opportunity throw pies in the face of a classmate or teacher. The price will be $1.00 to throw a pie in the face of a classmate volunteer or $2.00 to throw a pie in the face of a teacher. Half all proceeds will go to the Wesley Food Bank.



  • Parent Volunteers: We need some parents to volunteer and help with face painting for International Day. You don't have to be an expert to volunteer–we just need a couple of parents who are willing to help out on March 15th. If you can help please e-mail



  • ISAT Movie Reward: The ISAT reward movie will be on Tues., March 13.  Field trip permit with title of movie will be available on Monday, March 5 Field trip permit and $ are due together.  The cost will be $6.00 per student.  Please send the exact amount ---  NO CHECKS! If you have any questions please contact Jackie Borchardt ( All students who meet the ISAT testing behavior criteria are invited to attend the movie.



  • Yearbook Pictures: Pictures needed for the yearbook! The school yearbook needs candid pictures from cross-country, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and wrestling. Please send digital pictures to Mrs. Easton. or drop off a picture disk in the main office. *We are asking for photos throughout the month of February! ***As of 2/23 we have NO basketball pictures (6th 7th 8th boys girls), 4 Cross-country pictures, No wrestling and NO baseball pictures!


  • PTA Council: Please note that the location for the March Council meeting has changed again, to the Stratton Elementary School library, so that attendees can also attend the Supper with the Superintendent being held at Stratton the same evening, at 6 pm.


Information about the supper can be found here:


The Council meeting will be held at the usual time, 7 pm. Our featured speaker will be Liza Thomas, who was originally scheduled to speak at the January meeting. She will give a presentation on Positive Behavior Facilitation (PBF), followed by our regular business meeting.


  • Summer Enrichment: Looking for ways to keep your child engaged this summer? Come to the Summer Enrichment Extravaganza, a community-wide youth programming resource fair, which will take place on Tuesday, April 3, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Urbana Middle School Cafetorium. Meet program staff from more than 30 campus and community organizations that offer summer programs, activities, and learning opportunities for students in pre-K through 12th grade. Please contact me at 333-4687 or via email at if you have any questions.



  • Baby Pictures for 8th grade students: It is that time of year.  We are now collecting baby pictures from 8th grade students.  The pictures will be displayed in the display cases across from the auditorium starting in May.  The pictures will be up for all of the end of year activities and will be returned to 8th grade students and parents after Promotion. Please, write the student name on the back of the picture.  Mr. Guzman will be collecting baby pictures for Explorer students and Mr. Becker will be collecting baby pictures for Navigator students.   




  • International Day Volunteers: Letters have gone home and we need volunteers for this event! We especially need someone who is well versed with using chopsticks and is able to show others how to use them too. To volunteer. Please e-mail if you can help.



  • International Day: Edison is excited to announce there will be an International Day on March 15th from 8am-11am. Edison is a very diverse school and wants to celebrate different cultures from around the world. This is a great event for the school and we hope students can donate items and participate in this special event. See attached letter for more info. If you have questions please e-mail Crystal Pinske at










Community Events:


  • Naturally Illinois Expo: The Naturally Illinois Expo is March 9th and 10th. Here is the link for more information. It is open to the public and completely free!

  • Star Leadership Institute:Our first event, the Quarterly STAR Leadership Institute, will be held March 31, 2012 at the Champaign Public Library from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Participants will engage in dynamic workshops on the City's 2012-13 budget process and how citizens can be involved; Intelligence-Led Policing as a crime prevention strategy for neighborhoods; and property maintenance ordinances and how the City can partner with neighbors to maintain neighborhood livability. Register early as seating is limited! While you are reviewing the information on the STAR Leadership Institute, start thinking about who you can nominate for our STAR Awards-Expo to be held May 18, 2012, at the I-Hotel.  The nomination period for our STAR Awards Expo will be from March 1, 2012-April 2, 2012.  We will be accepting nominations in eight categories for those individuals and organizations that have performed exemplary deeds to promote neighborhood and community wellness.  The nominees and award recipients will be recognized at our annual STAR Awards Expo.To register for the Leadership Institute and/or to submit an online nomination, please visit our website at  You can always contact our office at 403-7070 with any questions you may have regarding these events. We hope you take the time to nominate someone for a STAR Award as well as join us at the upcoming STAR Leadership Institute. Colleen Madera Secretary Neighborhood Services Dept. Telephone:  (217) 403-7070 Fax: (217) 403-7090 Email:


The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>