Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.


 May 22


  • WE STILL NEED CHAPERSONES FOR THE DANCE!!! Eighth Grade Dance and 8th Grade Parents: The 8th Grade Dance at Edison Middle School is Thursday, May 23, 2013  from 7-9 p.m. We still need about 5 volunteers to help with concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by replying to . Volunteers should arrive at 6:40 and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with nametags and duty assignments.

Volunteer duties include helping with concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors (doors are left open to allow air in and out, but no one is allowed to enter or leave). If your child does not want you in the gym, let me know and I can assign you to concessions.


Basic Information about the 8th Grade Dance

*Only 8th Grade Edison students will be allowed

*Admission is Free

*Students must have a signed permission slip

*No one is permitted in after 7:30 p.m.

*Snacks and Cake are free

*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 9 p.m.


  • Help to people in Oklahoma: The PTA Council would like to hold a quick end of the year drive for the Oklahoma tornado victims. With the school year being almost over we would ideally like to run the drive from Wednesday, May 22nd to Wednesday, May 29th. To make the drive simple but efficient for its recipients we are asking that items from the attached Cleaning Kit/School Kit list be donated. If you have questions please contact Sheri Williamson at


  • Promotion Practice: 8th graders who are participating in the promotion ceremony. There is a MANDATORY practice on May 23rd practice is from 9:40-11:10 am (School will be dismissed early that day at 11:10am) If you do not attend the practice you will not be able to participate in the promotion ceremony.



  • Important School Dates: There is a lot going on at the end of the year so here are some dates to keep on the radar.


May 23rd  Half Day–Dismissal at 11:10am

May 24th  8th Grade promotion at 9am

May 27th  NO SCHOOL

May 30th  Early Dismissal at 2:10pm

May 31st  LAST DAY OF SCHOOL and early dismissal at 2:10pm

Aug 9th                School Registration; Time TBA


 May 20

  • Box Tops: It's the end of the school year and time to get those Box Tops off the fridge and out of the drawer and into Edison!  Box Tops do expire, so send them in now to make sure that we don't have any expire before we turn them into cash.  Send your Box Tops in to Mrs. Wells (PE) or any classroom teacher to turn them into $$ for the school. The final pick up for the school year will be May 28th.


  • LEAP: The next LEAP workshop (Linking Educators and Parents) will be held on May 28th at the Urbana Free Library from 6:30-8pm. The topic being discussed is Resources Make the Difference. Attached is a PDF with more info.


  • Sunday with the Superintendent: On Sunday, June 2, Champaign Unit #4 School District will hold a Sunday BBQ with the Superintendent at Garden Hills Elementary School from 1-3 p.m. The community is invited to meet with Superintendent Dr. Judy Wiegand, Executive Director of Human Resources Mr. Ken Kleber, Executive Director of Business Services Mr. Matthew Foster, and Assistant Superintendents Dr. Susan Zola (Elementary), Ms. Angela Smith (Middle School), and Dr. Laura Taylor (High School).





  • Important 8th Grade Promotion Information: Promotion will soon be here!  Congratulations to our 8th grade students!  We want our family members to have an opportunity to celebrate their 8th graders accomplishments, but we ask you to do the following:

·         If you plan on giving flowers to your child, please hold the flowers until after the ceremony.

·         Please do not bring balloons into the auditorium.  Balloons block the view of the other guests.

·         Please do not have your child dropped off or picked up in a limousine around the perimeter of the school building.

·         Please make sure that your child has taken care of any lost textbooks, library fines, lost locks, etc.

·         Each family will receive two tickets.  On the day of Promotion you will have an opportunity to pick up additional tickets if you have called and have been put on the wait list.  Mrs. Lanman will be at a desk as you come in the playground door.  Tickets will still be limited.  If you know you will not be attending the ceremony and have extra tickets, please email Mrs. Lanman at

·         Entrance to the school will only be available at the playground doors.

·         If you have a need for handicapped assistance, please call so we can help make those arrangements.

·         The doors will open for seating at 8:30 a.m.

·         We understand that our families are tremendously proud of their 8th graders, but we ask that you refrain from clapping while we are giving the students their certificates.  We want every child's name to be heard and that cannot be done while others are cheering.

·         Due to limited parking on the street, the Champaign Public Library has been gracious enough to allow parking on the east side of their parking lot.  However, you will have to enter through the playground entrance.  If you need handicapped parking, that will take place on the playground.  Please do not park on Prairie Street on the east side.  You may get ticketed.

Thank you for a wonderful school year and best of luck for continued success for your child.  Looking forward to honoring our 8th grade students on May 24th!

  • Calendar of Events for 8th graders and other students: The end of the school year is just around the corner. There are so many events and activities that happen, particularly for 8th grade students, we have put together a calendar of events for parents. Calendar is attached




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