Monday, June 1, 2015


Parents, please ask your students to check the Lost and Found at school today or tomorrow.

All items remaining in the Lost and Found will be donated to the Salvation Army or discarded on June 8, 2015.

Thank you.

Gretchen Pein
Edison Middle School PTSA


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.


Student Council would like to send out ​a big Thank You to Herriott's Rental for donating so many of the decorations for the 8th Grade Dance, and throughout the year.  Also thank you to all the teachers and parents that came and helped supervise and serve refreshments.  Good luck to all the 8th Graders as they move on to High School.

Parents of current 6th and 7th graders: if your child will not be returning to Edison next year, please contact Lindsey DelMedico in the school office at 217-351-3771.

PTSA Email Announcements: your subscription to this email announcement listserv will carry over to next school year, so if you are moving on and no longer wish to receive these announcements, please visit and unsubscribe under the "ptsa subscribers" heading.  You may also email using "unsubscribe" in the subject line (please include your name and email address in the body of the message).  Note that we will use this listserv to send information regarding registration in August.

PTSA update: Congratulations to our PTSA officers for 2015-2016: Gretchen Pein (Pres), Jen Carson (VP), Karyn Miller (Secretary) and Jill Daly (Treasurer). We still need a Teacher Appreciation coordinator for next year as well as a vice-president who will take over as president the following year. These are great ways to get involved in your child's middle school experience and meet other parents! Contact Gretchen Pein at if you have questions.  Minutes from the May PTSA meeting are attached.

Last day of school is Tuesday June 2.  School will dismiss at 2:10 on both Monday June 1 and Tuesday June 2.

8th grade boys interested in soccer:  Going to Central? See attached flyer for information on summer soccer practices that begin June 8.  Headed to Centennial? Pick up a flyer about summer camp (June 29th - July 31) from any 8th grade teacher, PE teachers or Ms. Borchardt.

Any young lady interested in attending basketball camp at the U of I can pick up a flier from the athletic bulletin board.

Any current 6th and 7th grader interested in baseball, cross country and girls basketball you must have the following 4 pieces of paperwork turned in to Ms. Borchardt by July 10 for Baseball and Cross Country then July 17 for Girls Basketball.

1. current physical - physicals you turned in last year are expired so you will need a new one.

2.  completed Champaign Unit 4 form

3.  Complete waiver

4.  copy of your insurance or medical card

Baseball tryouts will be held at Zahnd Pak on Monday, Aug. 3 and Tues., Aug. 4 - attendance at both days of tryouts is required.  Stop by the athletic bulletin board to pick up a flier which tells you what time you need to be at tryouts.  Parent meeting will be Tues., Aug. 4 at 5:30 pm at Edison in the cafeteria.

Cross Country runners - your season begins Monday, Aug. 3 - you are required to begin practicing with the team at this time.  Parent meeting will be at 5:30 pm at Edison in the cafeteria.  If you are interested in the summer cross country running program you can pick up a flier on the athletic bulletin board outside room 122.

Girls Basketball - tryouts will be held Monday, Aug. 31 and Tuesday, Sept. 1 - attendance at both days of tryouts is required.  Exact times for the teams will be announced when school begins in the fall.

Box Tops for Education: Mrs. Wells is still collecting Box Tops for the school.  Please send yours to Mrs. Wells or give them to any teacher to put in her mailbox.

Edison PTSA awarded 15 mini-grants to teachers and staff for classroom needs, extracurricular club activities, and learning software!  If you'd like to help PTSA develop additional fundraising events, contact Gretchen Pein at


College Gear Fridays: Students, wear your Avid or college gear on Friday.  Every Friday!


Social Probation: Please talk to your students about social probation, which is exclusion from participation in and/or attendance at an extracurricular school-sanctioned activity like ball games, concerts and dances.  A student will be placed on social probation if/when:

•He/she has not served the assigned detentions minutes

•He/she is failing one or more classes

•Administration places him/her on social probation.​


County Market Max Dollars for Education: if you're a County Market shopper and wish to designate Edison as your Max card school, sign up at or at the customer service desk at any store.  Our school code is 14088.


Friend us on facebook: search for Edison PTSA and send a friend request so our updates will appear in your news feed.




The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>