Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements
306 West Green Street
Champaign, IL 61820-5099
Phone: (217) 351-3771 Fax: (217) 355-2564
Edison's Mission
It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.
April 26
- Edison's Spring Musical: Edison Middle School is presenting "A Little Princess", a musical set in London and various parts of Africa.Tickets are available this week at lunch or from Ms. Mennig $3 for students, $5 for adults; at the door they will be $4 for students and $6 for adults. Performances are in the EMS Auditorium on Saturday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 28 at 4:30. Come enjoy a great show!
Title: | | PTA Council meeting |
Date: | | Thursday May 2, 2013 |
Time: | | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (GMT-06.00) Central Time (US & Canada) |
Location: | | Barkstall Elementary |
Notes: | | Join PTA Council for the last Council meeting of the year; topic will be Sharing of Ideas |
April 24
- No School this Friday: Reminder! No school this Friday, April 26th
- Memorial Sculpture Museum: All are welcome to come to the annual, 8th grade Memorial Sculpture Museum in the Edison South Gym, on Tuesday, May 7, from 8am - 12pm. On display, will be students' original sculptures and accompanying text to memorialize deceased victims of prejudice and hatred due to discrimination. Please join us to remember victims, such as those killed in The Holocaust, and also be a part of our voting process by filling out a voting slip so we can determine a winning group with the most effective display. Any questions? kallemra@champaignschools.org
April 18
- 8th Grade Promotion: 8th grade promotion date is Friday May 24th at 9am. Because space is limited in the auditorium each graduating 8th graders will receive 2 tickets. Admission to the event is by ticket only. If you need additional tickets please let Anne Lanman know. E-mail is lanmanan@champaignschools.org or call 217 351-3771. You will be placed on a waiting list for extra tickets.
- New Officers: New PTSA officers for the 2013-2014 school year will be Angie Patton (President), Gretchen Pein (Vice-President), Michelle Anderson (Secretary). We still need a treasurer and there are committee chair spots open. If you are interested in serving next year please send me an e-mail apatton2@gmail.com
April 17
- PTA Council: PTA Council is offering bridge activity books to Unit 4 students. These books contain activities that match curriculum from the school year and provide materials for the children to work at their own pace over the summer months. More info along with the order form is attached.
- Calendar of Events for 8th graders and other students: The end of the school year is just around the corner. There are so many events and activities that happen, particularly for 8th grade students, we have put together a calendar of events for parents. Calendar is attached
The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>ptsa@edison.u4friends.org and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.