Saturday, June 5, 2010

FW: Volleyball Info



From: Sola, Sharla J
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 9:28 AM
To: 'Sarah Adams'; 'Sarah Adamson'; 'Susie Aeiltes'; 'Rick Aeilts'; 'Julie Boparai'; 'Stacey Brown'; Claussen, Julie Elizabeth; Clayton, David F.; 'Sheree Demith'; 'Jeff Demith'; 'Lisa Frye'; 'CYNTHIA FURTNEY'; 'Julie George'; Hammel, Colleen J.; 'Steve Hammel'; 'Laura Hatch'; 'Andy Hatch'; 'Lisa Jacob'; 'Byron Kemper'; 'Suzanne Lee'; 'Creg McDonald'; 'Liz McDonald'; Philipp, David P.; 'Tina Richmond'; 'Jeff Schweighart'; 'Amy Sills'; 'Brandi Simmons'; 'Carol Smith'; Sola, Michael V.; 'Rita Thomas'; 'Samone Thompson'; 'Joy Lou Walker'; 'Jay Walker'; 'John Weldon'; 'Paula Weldon'; 'Carla Westfield'; 'Ernest Westfield'; 'Beth Young'; 'Dave Young'; 'Blackwell'; Marick, Dawn Elaine; 'Kim Stanhope'; ''; ''; Walker, Susan H.; Marick, Dawn Elaine; ''; ''; ''; Butler, Donna R.; 'Hurt, Tina M ERDC-CERL-IL <>'; 'Naomi Altmyer'; 'Brad Lovett'
Cc: 'Kristine Anderson'
Subject: Volleyball Info


Hi everyone,


Thanks to those who were able to attend the Central Volleyball Boosters Meeting Wednesday night. I've attached the minutes (see Volleyball Booster Minutes) from the meeting. We approved a budget (see DOC060310) and finalized some summer schedule information (see VB Calendar).  In the email below, I've noted some things you need to do now and things you should know for later. More details are in the minutes.


Need to Do Now

* U of I Camp:  Send in your forms and payment by June 30 (see Vb U of I Camp registration) if your daughter plans to attend one of the U of I Volleyball camps.  There is room for 15 girls per team (Freshmen, JV (sophomores) and Varsity (junior and senior)). Boosters will accept the first 15 girls who provide their form and payment or scholarship form. Scholarships are available. Forms (see VB Scholarship Request) can be turned into Kris Anderson. Also, the costs for camp is $140 per girl if they commute. Boosters decided to pay $100 per girl to offset the costs of camp.

* T-Shirts: Please let Amy Sills,, know ASAP if your daughter will be playing in a summer league, tournament and/ or U of I camp. She needs to order t-shirts. She will need to know your daughter's name, team (Freshman, Junior Varsity or varsity) and shirt size.

* JV League Parent Help: Parents are needed to help with concessions and gate for June 28, July 5, 12 and 19. Send an email to Beth Young,, to sign up for one of those dates. All parents are asked to help because this is a fundraiser for the team.

* JV League Player Help: Varsity girls will need to help with scoring, etc. on June 21 and 28 and Freshmen girls will need to help on July 5, 12 and 19. Please have your daughter talk to Kris at open gym if they can help.

* DS/Libero camp: Sign up for Defensive Specialist/ Libero Camp to be held June 17 and 18 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Central. All players are encouraged to attend. The cost is $50 and forms are available online,


Know for Later

* Mini-Maroons Camp: Girls may be needed to help with the Mini-Maroons Volleyball camp for 3rd-8th grades on June 22-25 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (3rd-5th) and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. (6th-8th).  An email will be sent to the Boosters email list if Kris needs girls to volunteer.

* Movie Night: Laura Hatch and Naomi Altmyer are organizing a fundraiser at the Savoy 16 Theatre on July 1. The Boosters would get a percentage of concession sales at the movie. Girls are encouraged to tell their friends to attend the movie and girls will need to be at the theatre to encourage people to buy items. More information will be sent out soon.

* Car Wash: Creg McDonald offered his business as a site for a car wash on any Sunday during the summer. He will work with Naomi Altmyer to choose a date and organize the fundraiser. If you would like to help organize, please send an email to Naomi Altmyer, More information will be sent out soon.


The girls had their first open gym last evening. I heard great things about it. Please encourage your daughter to attend when she can this summer.


Also, please forward this email to any incoming freshmen who may not have received it. I believe there are families at Franklin and Jefferson who need to be added to our email list.


If you have questions, please let me know.

Sharla Sola
