Volunteers Needed for School Dance this Friday, October 2nd
The first school dance at Edison Middle School is this Friday, October 2, 2009 from 6-8 p.m. It is usually the largest of the year and I am looking for a minimum of 25 volunteers to help sell concessions and monitor the gym. Volunteers should arrive at 5:45 p.m. and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with name tags and duty assignments.
If you would like to volunteer, please let me know contact me directly, jenlyn.redden@gmail.com. Some kids prefer that their parents stay in the cafeteria and not be in the gym, just let me know.
I am looking for the following:
2 money takers- keeping all children in the gym until 6:30 p.m.
2 main door monitors- helping to keep the lines straight and orderly until everyone is check in and not letting anyone leave until the dance is over
8 concession volunteers- selling of pizza, drinks and treats
8 gym monitors- making sure the dancing is appropiate and there are no problems in the gym
2 floaters - walking the halls, gym, and concessions area
2 restroom monitors - You can trade off between the restroom and gym duties during the evening
2 parking lot monitors - When the dance is over, helping with the flow and supervision of those waiting outside
I will have everything set up and ready to go! Please reply if you can help. Forward this on to friends who may also want to help. The dance is sponsored by the PTSA and is a great way to raise money for the school.
Jenny Redden
Basic Information about the Dance
*Admission is $2
*Students must have a signed permission slip and their student ID
*No one is permitted in after 6:30 p.m.
*Pizza and concessions are available
*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 8 p.m.