Thursday, March 29, 2012


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564





March 29


  • Summer Reading Clinic: The University's College of Education is having a summer reading clinic. Attached is more information and permission/info forms.


March 27


  • Six Flags Permission Slips: The Six Flags permission slip and $75 fee is due next Thursday, April 5th.  The Six Flags trip is Friday, May 18th from 6:30am to 9:00pm.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Becker for Navigator students or Mr. Guzman for Explorer students. (Permission slip is attached)


  • NJHS: The National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony will be Wednesday, April 25 at 6pm in the Edison Auditorium.  All NJHS members need to return their invitation forms to Mr. Cain by Monday, April 2.


  • PTA Council: The next monthly PTA Council meeting is Thursday April 5 from 7–9pm. The meeting will be at the Champaign Public Library. Guest speaker will be Superintendent Judy Wiegand. The regular meeting will be begin after presentation–all are welcome to attend.


March 26


  • Student Council: will be sponsoring a Penny War to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  This will take place April 9-13.  Each homeroom will have a container to collect money.  All pennies will be worth 1 point.  All other change will be worth negative points.  So stock up on all your change over Spring Break and be ready to challenge other homerooms to raise as much money as possible.  The winning homeroom will win a water balloon fight at the end of the school year during their end of year activities.  If you could send empty rinsed out gallon milk jugs, each homeroom will need one.  Students can bring them in to either Mr. Guzman or Mrs. Altenbaumer.  Thanks so much for your cooperation. 




  • VB:  Congratulations to Coach Hook and his 8th grade volleyball team for their 25 – 1 season.   On Sat., March 17 the Lady Comets played their first state game against Frankfort Summit Hill.  Unfortunately we were unable to defeat Frankfort who became the state champs on Tues., March 20.


  • BBB camp: Current 6th and 7th graders who are interested in trying out for the boys basketball team are encouraged to attend the summer camp Coach Johnson is holding the week of June 18 through June 22.  The 6th and 7th graders will attend from 8:00 am until 10:00 am then the 8th graders will attend from 10:00 until noon.  Fee is $50 per camper ($25 discount for 2 campers from same household).  Registration form (attached) and fee are due MAY 20!!  The registration form/fee can be sent to Ms. Borchardt in room 122.  Please do not take to the office.


  • VB girls:  Please turn in your warm up suit and volleyball bag by Thurs., April 5.


  • Banquets:  Dates for the wrestling banquet and the banquet for our baseball, girls basketball, boys basketball and volleyball teams will be announced soon.


  • Intramurals: Info about intramurals for Hip Hop dance, bowling, BBB, GBB and VB will be announced soon.


  • 2012 - 2013 Athletic Dates;  Attached is the flier containing dates of when tryouts/practices may begin and when current physicals, Completed Champaign Unit 4 form and copy of insurance/medical card are due. Physical form and Champaign Unit 4 form are attached.Remember sports physicals are good for one year only!



  • 8th Grade Promotion: 8th grade promotion will be Friday at 9 am on May 25th It will be held in the school auditorium. Each student's family gets 2 tickets for this event. If you are going to need more than that you can call the discipline office to be put on a waiting list for more tickets. Letters are being sent home to parents for those students who may ineligible to attend promotion.



  • Summer Enrichment: Looking for ways to keep your child engaged this summer? Come to the Summer Enrichment Extravaganza, a community-wide youth programming resource fair, which will take place on Tuesday, April 3, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Urbana Middle School Cafetorium. Meet program staff from more than 30 campus and community organizations that offer summer programs, activities, and learning opportunities for students in pre-K through 12th grade. Please contact me at 333-4687 or via email at if you have any questions. (Flyers are attached)



  • Books by the Bushel: Save the dates of April 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2012!  We will again be holding BBTB at Barnes & Noble in Champaign.  Barnes & Noble will be ordering books from the 'wish lists' submitted by school librarians.  Community members are invited to donate books and other resources from the wish list set to the library of their choice.  Barnes & Noble will also donate a portion of the total sales made through BBTB back to the local schools participating in the event.



  • Fundraiser: On Friday March 30, College Bound will be sponsoring a Pies in the Face fundraiser to raise money for Wesley Food Bank. During their lunch hour, students will have the opportunity throw pies in the face of a classmate or teacher. The price will be $1.00 to throw a pie in the face of a classmate volunteer or $2.00 to throw a pie in the face of a teacher. Half all proceeds will go to the Wesley Food Bank.




  • Baby Pictures for 8th grade students: It is that time of year.  We are now collecting baby pictures from 8th grade students.  The pictures will be displayed in the display cases across from the auditorium starting in May.  The pictures will be up for all of the end of year activities and will be returned to 8th grade students and parents after Promotion. Please, write the student name on the back of the picture.  Mr. Guzman will be collecting baby pictures for Explorer students and Mr. Becker will be collecting baby pictures for Navigator students.   





Community Events:


  • Saftey and Abuse Prevention: Keep Our Kids Safe
Child Abuse Prevention for Parents & Children
Thursday, April 5, 2012
7:00 -- 9:00 p.m.
indi go Artist Co-Op
9 E University Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820
Donations at the door appreciated

Keep Our Kids Safe is just one of several events RACES is sponsoring during April, which is both Child Abuse Prevention month and Sexual Assault Awareness month. For more information on all our April Events, visit our web site at, or contact us at or 217/344-6298.

  • Star Leadership Institute:Our first event, the Quarterly STAR Leadership Institute, will be held March 31, 2012 at the Champaign Public Library from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Participants will engage in dynamic workshops on the City's 2012-13 budget process and how citizens can be involved; Intelligence-Led Policing as a crime prevention strategy for neighborhoods; and property maintenance ordinances and how the City can partner with neighbors to maintain neighborhood livability. Register early as seating is limited! While you are reviewing the information on the STAR Leadership Institute, start thinking about who you can nominate for our STAR Awards-Expo to be held May 18, 2012, at the I-Hotel. We are excited about building on the success of last year with our partners - WCIA 3, Busey Bank, the University Of Illinois Office Of Public Engagement and most importantly, the Community! The nomination period for our STAR Awards Expo will be from March 1, 2012-April 2, 2012.  We will be accepting nominations in eight categories for those individuals and organizations that have performed exemplary deeds to promote neighborhood and community wellness.  The nominees and award recipients will be recognized at our annual STAR Awards Expo. In the past two years, we have recognized 78 people in our community who were willing to contribute time, talents, resources and energy to better our community. Attached you will find a brochure that describes the STAR award categories and the process for nominations as well as the agenda for the upcoming STAR Leadership Institute.  To register for the Leadership Institute and/or to submit an online nomination, please visit our website at  You can always contact our office at 403-7070 with any questions you may have regarding these events. We hope you take the time to nominate someone for a STAR Award as well as join us at the upcoming STAR Leadership Institute. Colleen Madera Secretary Neighborhood Services Dept. Telephone:  (217) 403-7070 Fax: (217) 403-7090 Email:


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