Monday, July 26, 2010

[Edison-PTSA] Edison Enrollment/Registration Help Needed!

As you probably know, the Unit 4 School Enrollment/Registration day for Edison is coming up (fast!) on Wednesday, August 4.


The hours will be 8am to 1pm and 4pm to 7pm.


The PTSA needs volunteers to help the process go as smoothly as possible (it is being held in the Cafeteria and North Gym this year).


We’ve split the time into three shifts, and need at least 6 volunteers for each shift.


                7:45am to 10:45am

                10:30 am to 1:15pm

                3:45pm to 7:00pm


Please let us know if you can help out.  Thank you so much!


-Edison PTSA


Late Registration is Wednesday, August 11, 10am to 4pm.





* Basketball Camps: If you signed your daughter up for the girl's basketball camp please note the camp has been canceled

 Boy's Basketball Camp will be August 2–6. NO CAMP ON WEDNESDAY!!!

6th & 7th grades will have camp from 8am–10 am.

8th grade will have camp 10am–12pm.

The coaches will be contacting parents about this change. 

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