Monday, December 6, 2010


December 6


  • Athletic Events: 12/6–12/16

Mon, Dec. 6

                6BBB vs Jefferson at Stratton, 6:15 pm

Tues., Dec. 7

                BBB vs Eater, 4:15 pm

Wed., Dec. 8

                8VB tryouts from 3:00 until 4:30 pm in north gym

                BBB at Bloomington, 4:30 pm

Thurs., Dec. 9

                BBB vs Tolono, 4:15 pm

Fri., Dec. 10         8VB tryouts 3:00 until 4:30 pm in north gym

Sat., Dec. 11

                WR @ Eureka, 11:00 am

Mon., Dec. 13

                6BBB vs CU All Stars at Stratton, 7:15 pm

                BBB @ St. Matt's, 6:00 pm

                WR vs Argenta, 4:15 in north gym

Tues., Dec. 14

                BBB vs Franklin, 4:15 pm

Wed., Dec. 15

                6BBB vs Douglass at Douglass Center, 7:15 pm

Thurs., Dec. 16

                BBB vs Mahomet, 4:15


  • 8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: The volleyball tryouts for 8th grade will be Wed., Dec. 8 and Fri., Dec. 10 from 3 – 430 in the north gym. (Tentative parent meeting is Dec. 15 at 5:30pm)


  • FUTURE FRESHMEN NIGHT: Centennial's Future Freshman Night is December 6 at Centennial.  The event starts at 7:00, but doors open at 6:30 for seating.  Centennial will be sending a letter/invite home to families. Central's Future Freshman Night is December 14th in Decker Theater at 7:00.  A flier is being created and will be sent home. Future Freshman Night is a way for 8th grade parents and students to see and get more info about their high school. 8th graders and their parents are strongly encouraged to attend Future Freshman Night.


  • Winter Concert:  The Edison Middle School Band's Winter Concert is on FRIDAY December 10th at 7:00pm in the auditorium.




December 3

  • New System Notification: In order to more effectively communicate weather related closings to parents and staff, Champaign Unit 4 Schools has a new notification system in place. Parents and staff will now receive alerts by telephone and email in the event that weather causes a school closing or change in schedule. Champaign Schools will continue to contact local media and post information on its website, but the information will now be delivered directly to parents and staff members. This system will also be utilized in the daily attendance process when students are absent and the school has not received a call from a parent or guardian. School officials encourage parents to make sure their phone numbers and emails are up to date at their child's school. Home phones are preferred in a weather emergency. If a family has no home phone, the District will use cell phone numbers.The District will begin testing the system soon.


December 2


  • Edison Jazz Band: Congratulations to Edison Middle School's Jazz Band 1 for being invited to perform at the Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA) All-State Conference in Peoria, IL!  This conference draws music educators, professionals in the field, and audiences from across the Midwest.  Jazz Band 1 will be performing on Thursday January 27th at 7:15pm in the Peoria Civic Center.  Their concert will include appearances by guest artists, Kevin Turner ( on guitar and Tom Garling ( on trombone. Jazz Band 1 will also be participating in a demonstration/clinic entitled "Rehearsal Techniques and Breaking the Boundaries of Middle School Jazz Bands" given by their director, Mike Lehman.  This 75-minute presentation will be held on Thursday January 27th at 3:45pm in the Peoria Civic Center. Congratulations to Edison's Jazz Band 1 on this tremendous honor!


  • Coat Drive: Warm A Kid coat drive is having asking for your help.  Please donate any gently used or new coats, hat, mittens, and scarves, sizes 3T to 7/8 to the Champaign Early Childhood Program room 110 or you can bring the coats to Edison (Mr. Uppinghouse's office)  We are identifying those children in need of a coat by teacher and parent referral.  If siblings and parents are also in need, we will do our best to help them. Please feel free to contact me at 351-3753 or if you have any questions.Thank you for your help. 




Earn Money For Edison: Help Edison earn $ when you search or order online.  If you download the Goodsearch toolbar (or go to <>, choose Edison and use it for searching or use the Goodshop icon for shopping we earn money every time.  There are also coupons and deals on this site.  Money received is used for technology for staff and students at Edison.  The link is on Edison's homepage.  <>


At County Market You can sign up for OR register your current County Market Max Card for Education to Edison Middle School, the number is #331. Remember even if you have already registered this needs to be updated annually. Target has a similar reward program called Take Charge for Education. Simply apply for a Target charge (Red Card)/debit card, get approved, and Target donates 1% of your Red Card/Target Debit card purchases to your school. Here is the link for more info and to apply If you already have a Target charge/debit you can still earn money for Edison. With holiday shopping coming up this is a great and EASY way to help Edison Middle School!








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