Thursday, November 11, 2010


November 11

  • ATTENTION 8TH GRADE PARENTS: Centennial's Future Freshman Night is December 6 at Centennial.  The event starts at 7:00, but doors open at 6:30 for seating.  Centennial will be sending a letter/invite home to families. Central's Future Freshman Night is December 14th in Decker Theater at 7:00.  A flier is being created and will be sent home. Future Freshman Night is a way for 8th grade parents and students to see and get more info about their high school. 8th graders and their parents are strongly encouraged to attend Future Freshman Night.


  • Reflections: Congratulations to the following students whose Reflections Entries have moved on to the PTA Council Level.


Literature: Berit Rasmussen - 7th, Ellen Loucks - 6th, Mackenzie Wallace - 6th, Sophie Wathen  - 6th, Ryley Morfey - 7th, Alex Magro - 7th


Photography: Anthony Kunkel - 6th


Visual Arts: Emily Gibson - 6th, Ryan Chalifoux - 6th, Kiran Murphy - 7th


Congratulations to all 28 students who entered the Reflections Competition. If your entry was not selected to move on, please stop by the main office to pick it up.


November 10


  • No School: There will be no school this Thursday November 11th (Veteran's Day).


  • Picture Retake: The date has been cancelled. We will post new date as soon as we have that info.

  • A message from Coach Johnson (Edison 8th Grade Basketball Coach): I wanted to send a very heartfelt THANK YOU to the many Edison STUDENTS that came out to support the young men on the Edison Basketball team on Monday evening against Franklin.  We had so many students at the game, that it felt as if we were playing at home.  Our teams have put in a lot of long hours preparing to get better and your presence made them feel appreciated and definitely helped us pull off the victory.  So, on behalf of the 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team, thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at our games in the future!!!



November 8


  • Volunteers Needed: The staff appreciation committee is looking for someone to coordinate this month's snack for the teachers.  We're looking for someone to provide a couple bags of apples and caramel dip.  If you can help out with this, please contact Lynnette Dodds at


  • Athletic Events for Nov. 8 - 12


Monday, Nov. 8 – BBB at Franklin, 4:15 pm

Tuesday, Nov 9 – BBB at Eater, 6:00 pm 


  • Volleyball and Wrestling: The required paperwork listed below is due Fri., Nov. 12 to Ms. Borchardt (room 122) for anyone wishing to tryout for volleyball and/or wrestling. Current Physical Form, Completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form (attached), and Copy of Insurance or Medical Card.


  • 6th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: 6th grade girls can tryout for the 7th grade volleyball team.  Please have your daughter stop by my room (122) if she is interested so I can get a copy of her physical from the office.  Then she will need to bring me a completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form along with a copy of her insurance or medical card. Thanks, Ms. Borchardt


  • Wrestling Tryouts:  There is a MANDATORY pre-tryout meeting for any student (boy or girl) wanting to tryout for wrestling. Parent attendance is required as well.  The meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 29 at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria at Edison.  At this meeting the coaches will share their expectations and the rubric being used for tryouts.  Tryouts will be held Tuesday, Nov.  30 and Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 3:00 until 5:00 pm at Edison in the south gym. 


  • Volleyball Tryouts:  Tentative dates!!!  Once our 8th grade girl's basketball team regional dates are set we can confirm the tryout dates for 8th grade.  The dates for 6th grade and 7th grade are set.


Tues., Nov. 30 ---  6th graders trying out for the 7th grade team 4:30 until 6:00 pm in the north gym


Friday, Dec. 3

8th grade from 3:00 until 4:30 pm in the north gym

7th grade from 4:30 until 6:00 pm in the north gym


Sat., Dec. 4

8th grade from 8:00 until 10:00 am in the north gym

7th grade from 10:00 until 12:00 in the north gym


Rosters will be posted on Sunday, Dec. 5. 



  • Edison Necklaces: Attached is an order form for Edison Necklaces that are for sale.  We will be selling them on Friday, Nov 5th during all 3 lunch periods. This is a fundraiser benefiting the Edison Band Scholarship Fund.  We will also be selling them at the Band Meeting on Monday, Nov. 8th and at all of the Band Concerts going forward. 


  • 2011 apparel order form:  This is for 8th graders only!!!!      The 8th graders have the opportunity to order a t-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt and/or a hoodie.  The shirts/hoodies will be black with a red Edison logo on the front and on the back in red will be the names (typed) of all the 8th graders. I have attached an order form. If you have any questions please email ( or call (377 – 8584).  Thanks, Jackie


* Orders are due Nov. 29

*all sizes are adult sizes

*checks payable to Edison Middle School

* we must have 25 orders to get the prices quoted

*this is the only time we will be placing the order

* all 8th graders will be given an order form on Monday, Nov. 1.  On the back of their order form is a sample of the designs for the front and back of the clothing.



Community Events:



  • Science of Hair at Champaign Public Library: Care about your hair? What are shampoos and gels made of and how do they work? Through demos and hands-on experiments, science whiz & UI professor Joanne Manaster will share the secrets in a free workshop for middle and high school students on Sat., Nov. 13, at 2 pm. Register now at <>  At the Champaign Public Library, 200 W. Green St.



  • Blood Drive: National Junior Honor Society at Edison is sponsoring a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 22 from 2-6 p.m. in Edison's south gym.  NJHS will be helping to promote the event, and the day of the drive they will be helping to check people in and direct them to the correct location.  To donate, individuals must be at least 17 years of age (16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) and at least 110 pounds.







December 4-5th 7am-2pm at Christie on Windsor (Champaign), Christie on Windsor (Urbana) Vaccines will be administered to patients 6 mos and older.



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