Monday, November 1, 2010


November 1


Athletic Events for Nov. 1 – Nov. 5


Tuesday, Nov. 2  --- First boys basketball game vs. Normal Kingsley, 4:15 pm


Thurs., Nov. 4  --- GBB at Jefferson, 4:15 pm (bus leaves Edison at 3:30 pm)

                                     BBB at Normal Chiddix, 4:30 pm (bus leaves Edison at 2:15 PM)


Wrestling: Edison would like to welcome our new wrestling coaches.  Head wresting coach is Pat Brownson and the Asst. wrestling coach is Rashad Archey. Information about wrestling tryouts will be coming soon.


BBB:  Apparel orders are due by Nov. 2 (form is attached)


Volleyball and Wrestling: The required paperwork listed below is due Fri., Nov. 12 to Ms. Borchardt (room 122) for anyone wishing to tryout for volleyball and/or wrestling.

                             *Current physical  

                              *Completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form (attached)

                                               *Copy of insurance or medial card


6th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: 6th grade girls can tryout for the 7th grade volleyball team.  Please have your daughter stop by my room (122) if she is interested so I can get a copy of her physical from the office.  Then she will need to bring me a completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form along with a copy of her insurance or medical car. Thanks, Ms. Borchardt


2011 apparel order form:  This is for 8th graders only!!!!      The 8th graders have the opportunity to order a tshirt, long sleeve tshirt and/or a hoodie.  The shirts/hoodies will be black with a red Edison logo on the front and on the back in red will be the names (typed) of all the 8th graders. I have attached an order form. If you have any questions please email ( or call (377 – 8584).  Thanks, Jackie

* Orders are due Nov. 29

*all sizes are adult sizes

*checks payable to Edison Middle School

* we must have 25 orders to get the prices quoted

*this is the only time we will be placing the order

* all 8th graders will be given an order form on Monday, Nov. 1.  On the back of their order form is a sample of the designs for the front and back of the clothing.


Edison Announcements: We were pleasantly surprised to learn this weekend that the Edison PTSA Announcements blog was selected as one of the best in the Midwest region, by the people who run the web site.  Here is the link to the awards page: Thanks to Sharla Sola who created the announcement blog and this version of the announcements, David Frye who helps run our list serv, and to all the Edison staff and parents who contribute the material we publish.


PTSA Meeting: The next Edison PTSA meeting will be Tuesday November 9th at 7 pm. Informal gathering time is 6:45 pm—meeting begins at 7pm in the Edison Library.



Community Events:


Blood Drive: National Junior Honor Society at Edison is sponsoring a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 22 from 2-6 p.m. in Edison's south gym.  NJHS will be helping to promote the event, and the day of the drive they will be helping to check people in and direct them to the correct location.  To donate, individuals must be at least 17 years of age (16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) and at least 110 pounds.






Carle Flu Clinic (Carle patients bring your clinic number and your insurance card, Medicare patients bring your medicare card, all other patients prepare to pay at time of service)


@ Vineyard Christian Church October 11-15th  9am-6pm; October 16th 9 am-12pm

flu shot $30/nasal vaccine FluMist $35/Pnemovax $60

Drive-thru or walk in flu shot, pneumovax and nasal flumist

Ages 6 mos. To 4 years must be vaccinated inside the building


@ Carle Champaign on Curtis October 18-20th 9am-6pm

walk in flu shot and nasal flumist

vaccinations for 6mos and older

pneumovax for adults only


@ Carle Urbana on Windsor October 21-22nd 9am-6pm; October 25-December 31 M-F 9am-6pm additional dates for Carle patients: October 23, 9am-12pm; October 30, 9 am-12pm; November 6, 9am-12pm


Christie Clinic Flu Clinic


November 6-7th 7am-2pm at Christie on Windsor (Champaign), Christie on Windsor (Urbana)


December 4-5th 7am-2pm at Christie on Windsor (Champaign), Christie on Windsor (Urbana) Vaccines will be administered to patients 6 mos and older.



The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>