October 13
- Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences will be October 28th and October 29th. Forms to schedule times for parents to meet with teachers have gone home with students.
- Paperwork Due Required paperwork for Volleyball and Wrestling is due to Ms. Borchardt by Friday, Nov. 12
Required paperwork includes:
Current physical
Completed Champaign Unit 4 form
Copy of insurance/medical card
- Boy's Basketball Tryout Schedule: Attached to the announcements is the Boy's Basketball Tryout Schedule. Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation Form are attached. Tryout dates/times will be announced for VB (Volleyball) and WR (Wrestling)
October 12
- Athletic Events for the week of 10/11–10/16
Tuesday, Oct. 12
GBB vs Franklin at Edison, 4:15 PM
Wednesday, Oct. 13
GBB at Holy Cross, 6 PM (bus leaves Edison at 5:00 PM)
Thursday, Oct. 14
GBB vs Jefferson at Edison, 4:15 PM
Sat., Oct. 16
Girls and Boys varsity teams headed to State (Maxwell Park at Parkside School) (bus leaves Edison at 9:15 AM)
Girls race is at 11:45 AM
Boys race is at approximately 12:30
- Dinner for Staff: The PTSA is organizing dinner for the staff on Thursday, October 28, during Parent/Teacher conferences. The PTSA will be providing sub sandwiches and we are asking for donations to round out the meal. Following are some of the items we are looking for:
soda/cider/bottled water
salads (both green salad and fruit salad)
plates, cups, napkins, plasticware
Please contact Lynnette Dodds at lynnette24@sbcglobal.net if you can donate something.
- Half Day: Friday October 15th is SIP (School Improvement Day) Students will be dismissed at 11:10 am.
- Box Tops:: If you have any box tops saved please turn them in to your home room teacher by Friday, October 15th
Food Fight: Edison is participating in the annual Food for Families Drive, on behalf of the Eastern Illinois Foodbank in Champaign. It is from Oct. 5 to Oct 12. We are involved in the annual "Food Drive" and "Food Fight." The "Food Drive" is a collection of canned meats, peanut butter, boxed meals, soup, canned fruits, and canned veggies. Students may bring in items to their Social Studies class. The other event is the "Food Fight". The "Food Fight" is a friendly fundraising competition with other local schools. The students are raising money to provide food—measured in "meals"—to hungry local families. These funds go a long way—for every dollar donated, the Eastern Illinois Foodbank can acquire $10 worth of food, or 3.7 meals. Last year, Edison placed second in the "Food Fight." There are daily progress updates via Twitter, Facebook, and on the WCIA Channel 3 morning show. Edison student council is sponsoring this event.
Hand Sanitizer: Donations of hand sanitizer would be greatly appreciated! Any hand sanitizer donations could be dropped off at Ms. Wallace's office.
- Reflections: Do you have a flair for the arts? Participate in the 2010-11 PTA Reflections Program. The theme is "Together We Can" and entry categories include: Literature, Visual Arts, Musical Composition, Photography, Dance Choreography and Film Production. Entry Forms and official rules are available in the main office or can be found on line at http://www.ptareflections.org/cs/rules_and_documents. All entries must be turned into the Edison main office by Friday, October 22nd at 4:00 p.m. with the entry form attached.
- IMPORTANT FOR 6TH GRADE PARENTS!! All 6th grade physicals and immunization records need to be turned in by October 15th, if not turned in the student will not be allowed to attend school. Physicals must be turned in in the main office.
- Edison Spirit Wear: The final spirit wear order of the year is due on October 15th. Just fill in the attached order form and drop off in the office along with a check made payable to Edison PTSA. The apparel will be ready in early November. Questions, email joclauson@comcast.net
The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.