October 1
- Reflections Program: Do you have a flair for the arts? Participate in the 2010-11 PTA Reflections Program. The theme is "Together We Can" and entry categories include: Literature, Visual Arts, Musical Composition, Photography, Dance Choreography and Film Production. Entry Forms and official rules are available in the main office or can be found on line at http://www.ptareflections.org/cs/rules_and_documents. All entries must be turned into the Edison main office by Friday, October 22nd at 4:00 p.m. with the entry form attached.
September 30
- Current Info: If your address has changed, please notify the main office as soon as possible. The post office does not forward our school or district mail.
- Edison's Leadership Academy: Edison Leadership Academy applications are due by Friday, October 1 to Mrs. Mastny in the Comets Community Center just above the cafeteria. (See Sig Ep Application Attachment for the actual application). We need more seventh graders to join the fun! The first Academy will be from 1-2:30 p.m. at the Champaign Public Library on Tuesday, October 26.
- School Dance: The school dance will be this Friday, October 1. Permission slips should be going home with students. Students must have their student ID and a signed permission slip in order to go to the dance.
- Put A Cap On Cancer: On October 1st we would love for all of the students to "Put a Cap on Cancer!" Students will be allowed to wear a hat, but there will be a $2.00 fee. That fee will go to Provena Medical Center for a cure for breast cancer. It also is "It's all in the Jeans Day" for the staff. Members of the staff may wear jeans, but it will cost them $5.00. All proceeds will go to help with Cancer research!
September 29
- THANK YOU In less than one day, we have filled all our volunteer slots for this Friday's dance! Thank you to all of those who volunteered and considered volunteering to help out at the dance. The PTSA is so grateful for your support! If you were planning on volunteering, please consider doing so for the next dance!
- Volunteer to Help Staff: Edison teachers and staff so appreciate the copy services that have been in operation for 3 years now. Two volunteers, Noreen Rotramel and Jeff McGill continue to help us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but we still need someone to come on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are interested in this vital volunteer service, please contact Marilyn Mastny at mastnyma@champaignschools.org for more information.
- IMPORTANT FOR 6TH GRADE PARENTS!! All 6th grade physicals and immunization records need to be turned in by October 15th, if not turned in the student will not be allowed to attend school. Physicals must be turned in in the main office.
- Computer Club: Computer Club will meet Tuesday, Oct. 5th from 2:45-3:45 in room 232. All students are welcome to join us!
- Edison Spirit Wear: The final spirit wear order of the year is due on October 15th. Just fill in the attached order form and drop off in the office along with a check made payable to Edison PTSA. The apparel will be ready in early November. Questions, email joclauson@comcast.net
- Congrats to Splash Grants Recipients: The following Edison teachers have received Splash Grants from the Champaign-Urbana Schools Foundation for the 2010-2011 school year: Kelly Koler, Conan Jurkowski, Rosalee Otto, Donovan McKiddy, Jessica Hoy, Linda Robinson, and Tammy Stanke.
September 27
- School Pictures: Fall picture day is Thursday October 7. Order forms will be distributed from the student's homeroom teacher about one week prior to that date.
- Athletic Events for 9/27–10/1:
Tues., Sept. 28
XC at Tolono with bus leaving Edison at 2:00 PM
Thurs., Sept. 30
GBB vs Tuscola
Sat., Oct. 2
XC at Lodge Park with bus leaving Edison at 7:15 AM
- Boy's Basketball Tryouts: Any boy interested in trying out for the 7th or 8th grade teams must have turned in their required paperwork by OCTOBER 1st:
1. Current physical
2. Completed Champaign Athletic Insurance and Participation form
3. Written Proof of insurance (must have a copy of the insurance card or medical card – writing the account # is not acceptable) turn paperwork in to Jackie Borchardt (room 122) NOT MAIN OFFICE OR COACH
Tryout dates:
Monday, Oct. 18
6th grade boys only 6:00 – 7:30 AM in the north gym
8th grade boys from 7:30 – 9:00 PM in the north gym
Tuesday, Oct. 19
7th grade (which will include any of the 6th graders Coach Cain has selected) 6:00 – 7:30 AM in the north gym
8th grade boys from 7:30 – 9:00 PM in the north gym
Wednesday, Oct. 20
7th grade (which will include any of the 6th graders Coach Cain has selected) 3:00 – 4:30 PM in the north gym
8th grade practice from 7:30 – 9:00 PM in the north gym
Thursday, Oct. 21
Mandatory meeting for all parents and boys who made either team, 5:30 PM in the cafeteria.
Tentative date for 6 boys basketball team (time to be announced)
Friday, Oct. 22
Tentative date for 6 boys basketball team (time to be announced)
Community Events:
- Champaign Public Library: The Science of Makeup. Mascara, lip gloss, foundation.... Ever wondered what these cosmetics are really made of, and how those chemicals affect your skin? Through demos and hands-on experiments, science whiz Joanne Manaster will share the secrets in a free program for middle and high school students. She'll also talk about the optical illusions you can create with makeup, to help you find the look you want. At the Champaign Public Library, Saturday, Oct. 9, 2-3:30pm. Registration is required at <http://bit.ly/cplmakeup>http://bit.ly/cplmakeup.
The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.