Tuesday, October 26, 2010


October 26


  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 28th and 29th are parent/teacher conferences. October 28th—half day of school students will be dismissed at 11:10 am and the 29th—NO SCHOOL. Parents that will be meeting with teachers during conferences please make sure to not park illegally on Prairie Street.

  • Student Council: will meet this Wednesday, Oct 27th.  We will be sorting Candy Grams to be delivered on the 28th. The more students who come to the meeting, the less time it will take to sort them all out.  Usually we can get done by 3:30, when our meetings normally finish.


  • Newspaper Collection: Elizabeth Rotramel's  flex class is collecting newspapers to sort, fold, and bundle according to the Humane Society Website guidelines so that they can be used to line animal cages. They hope to gather enough papers to invite the Humane Society Educator, Clay Foley, to come and speak to the class about animal care and then present him with all the papers folded during the semester. 



October 25


  • Athletic events for Oct. 25 – 27


Monday, Oct. 25

      GBB vs North Ridge at Edison, 4:15pm


Tuesday, Oct. 26

     GBB  at Eater, 6pm (bus leaves at 5PM)


6BBB team: Parent meeting for the parents and players for 6BBB will be Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 6:00 pm after practice in the cafeteria.


Wed., Oct. 27

    GBB vs Urbana at Edison, 4:15pm



  •       Volleyball and Wrestling: The required paperwork listed below is due Fri., Nov. 12 to Ms. Borchardt (room 122) for anyone wishing to tryout for volleyball and/or wrestling.

                                                 *Current physical  (form attached)

                                                 * Completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form (attached)

          *Copy of insurance or medial card



  • 6th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: 6th grade girls can tryout for the 7th grade volleyball team.  Please have your daughter stop by my room (122) if she is interested so I can get a copy of her physical from the office.  Then she will need to bring me a completed Champaign Unit 4 Insurance and Participation form along with a copy of her insurance or medical car.   Thanks, Ms. Borchardt


  • Wrestling: Wrestling is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls at Edison, Jefferson and Franklin.  This year we will be having tryouts for the team. Dates/times for the tryouts will be announced soon. 


  • Boys basketball schedule: If you have printed a copy of the schedule please make this  change: Wed., Dec. 16 should be Thurs., Dec. 16 .  Updated schedule is attached.


October 21

  • Staff Dinner Donations: Parents that have volunteered to donate food and drinks for the staff dinner during conferences can send their donations to school with their students on Thursday, October 28th.  Lynnette Dodds will be outside the office to collect the items and store them in the community center until the meal is served.  If you don't want to send your donation with your student, it can be dropped off in the community room (above the cafeteria) any time during the day.  The meal will be served at 3:00pm.  If your food item needs to be refrigerated, it will need to be dropped off in the refrigerator in the teachers' lounge.  Please send your donations in disposable dishes, if possible, and include serving utensils when necessary.  If you send a dish that you want returned, please label it with your name and your student's homeroom teacher.  We are still in need of volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up for approximately 30 minutes before and after the meal.  Please contact Lynnette at lynnette24@sbcglobal.net if you are available to help.


  • Booker T. Washington Alumni Families! If your child attended BTW and had Mr. Smith as a Performing Arts teacher, we'd like to invite him or her to participate in a "BTW Alumni Ensemble" that will be performing at a special evening of tributes and performances in Mr. Smith's honor. All former BTW students of Mr. Smith's are welcome!! We'd love to see college to elementary school students singing together The celebration is being held on the evening of Monday November 1, with a couple of short rehearsals a few days before. If your student would like to participate, please contact me and I'll send you the details!! Suzanne Lee e mail: SuzanneLee05@gmail.com phone: 359-2606


October 20

  • Halloween Chess Fest:  October 31st starting at 12 pm at Jefferson Middle School—students will have a chance to enter and win. Please see attached flyer and entry form. Entry form must be turned in by October 28th (return entry forms to your school or to chessfest@gmail.com)


  • Computer Club: From now on Computer Club meetings will be on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month.  That means we will meet next Monday, Oct. 25th  in order to get on this schedule.


  • Survey:.  Unit 4 is asking parents to give some feedback about the Unit 4 website. Please take a few moment to complete this survey.  Just click on this link and answer a few questions. 




  • Parent Volunteers for Scholastic Bookfair: The library is looking for parent volunteers to help with the upcoming Scholastic Bookfair, October 21–29. Volunteers are especially needed Thursday, October 20th during parent/teacher conferences 4–8 pm. Check out the fair website http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/publish/edisonlibrary (see attached flyer) Or contact Debbie Smith or Teresa Jones at 351-3732 (see attached flyer)



Community Events:


  • Blood Drive: National Junior Honor Society at Edison is sponsoring a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 22 from 2-6 p.m. in Edison's south gym.  NJHS will be helping to promote the event, and the day of the drive they will be helping to check people in and direct them to the correct location.  To donate, individuals must be at least 17 years of age (16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) and at least 110 pounds.






Carle Flu Clinic (Carle patients bring your clinic number and your insurance card, Medicare patients bring your medicare card, all other patients prepare to pay at time of service)


@ Vineyard Christian Church October 11-15th  9am-6pm; October 16th 9 am-12pm

flu shot $30/nasal vaccine FluMist $35/Pnemovax $60

Drive-thru or walk in flu shot, pneumovax and nasal flumist

Ages 6 mos. To 4 years must be vaccinated inside the building


@ Carle Champaign on Curtis October 18-20th 9am-6pm

walk in flu shot and nasal flumist

vaccinations for 6mos and older

pneumovax for adults only


@ Carle Urbana on Windsor October 21-22nd 9am-6pm; October 25-December 31 M-F 9am-6pm additional dates for Carle patients: October 23, 9am-12pm; October 30, 9 am-12pm; November 6, 9am-12pm


Christie Clinic Flu Clinic


November 6-7th 7am-2pm at Christie on Windsor (Champaign), Christie on Windsor (Urbana)


December 4-5th 7am-2pm at Christie on Windsor (Champaign), Christie on Windsor (Urbana) Vaccines will be administered to patients 6 mos and older.



The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <mailto:announce-request@edison.u4friends.org>announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <mailto:ptsa@edison.u4friends.org>ptsa@edison.u4friends.organd include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org>http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at <http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com>http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or <http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/>http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.