Monday, September 13, 2010


September 13


Meet the Teachers Night (Open House):  Tuesday night, September 14 is Meet the Teachers Night at Edison.  We will start at 6:30 pm in the auditorium with a welcome, introductions, and opening remarks.  Then at about 6:45, everyone will be dismissed to go to their child's first hour class.  We will get about 7-10 minutes in each class, and about 2 or 3 minutes between to get to the next hour's class.  It's great to meet the teachers and get to know them and our school!  Please come!  It's a lot of FUN!


Help Needed for Meet the Teachers Night:  The PTSA will be giving out cookies and drink in the cafeteria during "lunch periods" during Meet the Teacher Night on Tuesday, September 14 at 6:30 pm.  We need a few volunteers to help lay out cookies and fill drinks.  If you or maybe a high school student of yours can help us out, we would really appreciate it!  Please contact Mary Schoen Petersen at if you are able to help.  Thanks!


Athletic events for Sept. 13 – 18


Tuesday, Sept. 14

                BB (baseball) regional game vs Paxton-Buckley-Loda (PBL) at Zahnd, 4pm  (bus to leave Edison at 2:45)

                GBB (girls basketball) at Tolono Unity, 4:15 pm (bus to leave Edison at 3pm)


Wednesday, Sept. 15

                GBB at Urbana, 4:15pm (bus to leave Edison at 3:30pm)


Thursday, Sept. 16

                XC at Kickapoo State Park, 4pm  (bus to leave Edison at 2:00 pm which means XC runners will not go to their 9th hour class). Coaches         will send a list of which runners will be attending the race. GBB at Monticello, 6:00 pm (bus to leave Edison at 4:30 pm)


Saturday, Sept. 17

                XC at Mahomet, 9:00 am  (bus to leave Edison at 7:15 am)

Boys Baseball Bracket: To find out more info about Boy's Baseball Regional Bracket:

Go to

Under IESA Headlines go to Boy's Baseball

Click on Regional Brackets

Go to class 3A, region 11

September 10


New Website: Edison is pleased to announce the launch of their new website. This website has the most current info regarding Edison Middle School. Parents/Teachers/Students will find this a really helpful resource.


Opportunities for Students! NSBE Jr: NSBE Jr is an after school program offered in conjunction with the U of I's NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) chapter.  The goal of NSBE Jr. is to stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  It is open to all students interested in learning any of these subjects.  More information is provided in the NSBE Jr. attachment.  NSBE Jr. will start on Thursday, September 16 in Mr. Howard's classroom (room 248).  Only students with parent permission are invited to attend.


Edison Leadership Academy: Edison Leadership Academy is sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon (see Sig Ep application) will begin this fall.  This opportunity is open to seventh or eighth grade students only.  There are specific requirements for this program as noted in the application.  Students can pick these applications up at lunch on Monday and Tuesday or see Mrs. Mastny in the Community Center.  The deadline to return completed applications is Friday, October 1.


September 8


8th Grade Field TripALL 8th graders are going on a field trip to Mahomet on Tuesday, September 14th. All permission slips must be in on Monday. We cannot accept permission slips on the day of the trip. We really need parent chaperones on this trip. The permission slip has an addendum for parents to sign and return with their student.


School Dance: The date of the first Edison Dance this school year has been rescheduled to

Oct 1, 2010.  Sorry for the confusion and/or inconvenience.  More information will be coming as the date gets closer.





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