April 2
· National Junior Honor Society Inductees: The Edison Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is pleased to announce its lists of individuals who have been nominated for induction in 2010. To qualify for selection into the NJHS, these individuals needed to show evidence of outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. A formal induction ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 in the Edison Middle School Auditorium. Attached (2010 NJHS Announcement) is the list of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who will be recognized as the newest NJHS members. Congratulations!
· Dance Volunteers Needed: The next school dance is Friday, April 9 from 6-8 p.m. The PTSA needs a minimum of 25 volunteers to help sell concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jenny Redden by e-mail, jenlyn.redden@gmail.com. Volunteers should arrive at 5:45 p.m. Volunteer duties include selling concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors. The dance is sponsored by the PTSA and is a great way to raise money for the Edison.
· Support the Poms Squad: The EMS Poms Squad is doing some much-needed fund raising. One of their fund raisers is a bake sale. Items are going to be sold during lunch periods for $.75 or $1.00. They need parents who are willing to bake a batch or two of great desserts (individually wrapped). These can be brought to Ms. Kallembach in room 314 or in the main office, if that's more convenient. The size of the desserts should be that which could be sold for about $.75 or $1.00. The Poms Squad is new this year at Edison and acquired new equipment and uniforms. If there is any parent/community member/business that would be willing to make a donation on behalf of the Edison Poms Squad it would be greatly appreciated! These can be mailed or brought to the main office of Edison Middle School or to Ms. Kallembach's room #314, 306 West Green St., Champaign, IL.
· Geek Squad Returns! Starting Thursday the Geek Squad will be back to share their expertise and lead fun activities in the computer lab at Edison. All students are welcome to come! Join the Flying Illini on Mondays to build a large remote control plane and learn how to fly it. Meetings will start in the computer lab.
· Learn about Cyber Bullying: Edison Resource Officer Jonathon Westfield presents “Cyber Bullying”. Don’t let your child fall victim! Get informed! Everyone is welcome to attend this informational meeting on Wednesday, April 7 at 7pm in the Edison Library. Sponsored by the Edison PTSA.
· Buy Books, Support Edison: Make your $$$'s count by shopping at Barnes and Noble during Books by the Bushel on April 9, 10 and 11 and a portion of your purchase will be donated to support Edison Middle School. Present the attached voucher (Standard Bookfair 6 Voucher BBTB) and tell the cashier you are supporting Edison Middle School when you make your purchases and a portion of the net sale will be donated to Edison. THANK YOU!
March 31
· PTSA Board Meeting: The Edison PTSA Officers will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 1, at noon at Atlanta Bread on south Neil Street. Everyone is welcome! Please note the new meeting location (not Za’s). We will be discussing activities for these last two months of school, including our Cyber Bullying meeting (Apr 7), 5th Grade Open House & PTSA Meeting (Apr 13), and Teacher Appreciation Week (May 3-7).
· Superstate Competition: The 7th/8th Grade Concert Band received an invitation to perform at the University of Illinois Superstate Competition—the most prestigious and selective Concert Band Festival in Illinois. This ensemble will be in the company of the state’s most elite concert bands and will perform at a premier performance venue. The festival will be held on Friday, May 7th at Foellinger Great Hall in the Krannert Center for the Performing Art on campus. The group typically performs at 1:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public—all are strongly encouraged to attend this memorable performance. Congratulations to the 7th/8th Grade Concert Band on this fantastic achievement!
· Evening Band: Evening Band is going to start up in preparation for the upcoming Superstate performance. This is a volunteer ensemble that is only open to 7th and 8th graders. They will meet on Tuesdays (and one Monday) from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Edison Band Room. Students should enter through the doors between the cafeteria and custodians office at about 5:50 p.m. and be prepared to be picked up promptly at 7:00 p.m. The rehearsals will be held on Tuesday, April 6th, Tuesday, April 13th, Tuesday, April 20th, Monday, April 26th and Tuesday, May 4th.
· 8th grade parents: Attached are calendars for April and May listing various events for 8th graders as the end of their 8th grade year quickly approaches. All 8th graders will be given a copy of the same calendars today along with a copy of ONE permission slip for three events that require a field trip permit. Parents are asked to sign the permits again even if they have done so for the trips individually. Please ask your child for their permission slip form. The form should be returned by Monday, April 5. If your child is going to Six Flags please complete the last page (Return Times After Normal Dismissal).
· Open Gym: Edison will have open gyms for 8th grade boys who have not had any discipline concerns the past month and/or did not receive any F's for third quarter. Open gym will be Wednesday, March 31 and Thursday, April 1 from 3 - 4 p.m. in the north gym. Parents please make arrangements to have your son picked up by 4 p.m. since there will not be anyone to supervise after 4:15 p.m. Open gym for 8th grade girls for volleyball and/or basketball (their choice) will be announced next Monday.
· 8th grade volleyball players: Please turn in your volleyball gym bag to Ms. Borchardt by Thursday, April 1.
· Coaching positions: Edison is in need of a Varsity Baseball Coach, a JV Baseball Coach and a Varsity Wrestling Coach next year. If you or anyone you know is interested, please go to the Unit 4 website for employment.
· Weightlifting: If your son/daughter signed up for weightlifting at Central please note the days of weightlifting have been changed to Wednesday's and Friday's beginning Wednesday, April 7. If you have any questions please contact Coach Maatuka at coachma@gmail.com.
· 2010 - 2011 Athletics: The updated IESA physical form is attached. If your child is planning to tryout for a sport next year please take this form to be completed by the doctor. Also attached is the Champaign Unit 4 Athletic Insurance and Participation form. This form along with written proof of insurance (copy of medical card or insurance card) are required along with a current sports physical if your child is planning to tryout for an athletic team. You can mail your athletic forms to Jackie Borchardt at 900 N Schluter, Thomasboro, IL 61878 or have your child bring the forms to room 122 at Edison. Due dates for current physical, Champaign Unit 4 Athletic Insurance and Participation form and written proof of insurance are as follows:
* Cross Country (XC) and Baseball (BB) -- Friday, July 16
(tryouts/practice may begin Monday, Aug. 2)
Anyone interested in XC MUST begin practicing on this day.
* Girl's Basketball (GBB) - Friday, August 13
(tryouts may begin on Monday, Aug. 30)
* Boy's Basketball (BBB) - Friday, Oct. 1
(tryouts may begin on Monday, Oct. 18)
* Wrestling (WR) and Volleyball (VB) - Monday, Nov. 29
(tryouts may begin on Monday, Nov. 12)
· Athletic Banquet: Date and time will be announced shortly.
· Edison Camps: Information about camps for Edison athletic teams will be announced shortly. These camps will be for students currently in 5th, 6th and 7th grades.
· Intramurals: Information about intramurals will be announced shortly.
· Summer Enrichment Extravaganza: Due to the enthusiastic response from the Champaign-Urbana community to last year’s Summer Enrichment Extravaganza, the University of Illinois is once again coordinating a community-wide youth programming resource fair to take place from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on April 8 in the Urbana Middle School cafetorium. This event will offer parents an opportunity to visit with representatives of more than 25 campus and C-U community organizations which offer summer programs and activities for youth in pre-K through 12th grade! Attached are pdfs in Spanish and English with more information about the Summer Enrichment Extravaganza .
· U of I Camps: If you are interested in attending a camp at the U of I please go to their website: www.fightingillini.com/camps
March 29
· 8th Grade Six Flags Trip: The deadline for permission slip and $70 fee is this Thursday, April 1st. The Six Flags trip will be Friday, May 14th. We leave at 6:30 a.m. and will be back by 9:30 p.m. Please make all checks payable to Edison Middle School. Team Explorer students need to return their permission slip and fee to Mr. Guzman and Team Navigator students to Mr. Becker. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Guzman, guzmanje@champaignschools.org, or Mr. Becker, beckerla@champaignschools.org or phone 351-3771.
· Edison Running Club: The Edison Running Club is training for the 5k portion of the Illinois Marathon which will be held on Saturday, May 1st. Students will be running afterschool from 2:45 p.m.-3:45 p.m. with Mr. Jurkowski. This week, they will run today (Monday), Wednesday, March 31 and Thursday, April 1. After this week, they will run after school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday up until the marathon. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Jurkowski, jurkowco@champaignschools.org.
· Spring Chess Fest: If you like to play Chess, put Saturday, April 17, 2010 on your calendar. All students in grades K-8 are invited to participate in this FREE afternoon event. More information will be coming.
· Change of Meeting Date: Computer Club will meet Monday, March 29 after school in the lab.
· Upcoming Events:
Cyber Bullying Presentation for Parents: April 7 at 7 p.m.
Edison School Dance: April 9 from 6-8 p.m.
5th Grade Open House: April 13
Severe weather convocation: April 16 for 8th grade (during 6th and 7th period) and for 6th and 7th grade (during 8th and 9th period)
International Day: May 7
8th Grade Promotion: May 27 at 9 a.m.
The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to announce-request@edison.u4friends.org. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to ptsa@edison.u4friends.org and include “Unsubscribe” in the Subject Header or go here: http://edison.u4friends.org/mailman/listinfo/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org. Archives of the announcements can be found at http://edisonptsa.blogspot.com or http://edison.u4friends.org/pipermail/ptsa_edison.u4friends.org/.