FAN BUS!!!!!
We are taking a fan bus to Mattoon for the 8th grade volleyball sectional game on Monday, March 15.
Permits will be available today after school outside room 122
On Monday, March 15 students interested in going must bring their completed (both sides) permission slip to Ms. Borchardt at 7:50 am along with their $2.00 for the admission fee (no checks and bring $2.00 EXACTLY).
The first 50 permits completed correctly along with the $2 admission fee will be allowed to ride the fan bus.
We are taking 50 kids .
Bus will leave Edison at 4:45 pm with an approximate return time between 7:15 – 7:45 pm (could be later depending on how many games we play).
If you have any questions please contact Jackie Borchardt (borchaja@champaignschools.org)