Thursday, May 29, 2014


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.



Important Dates:


May 30: 8th Grade Graduation @ 9am



May 29



8th grade promotion is this Friday!!!  Congratulations to our 8th grade students.  We want our family members to have an opportunity to celebrate their 8th graders accomplishments so we ask all families to do the following:


1. If you plan on giving flowers to your child, please keep the flowers with you giving them to your 8th grader AFTER the ceremony.

2.  Please do not bring balloons into the auditorium - we don't want them to block someone else's view.

3. Please do not have your child dropped off or picked up in a limo.

4.  Please make sure your child has taken care of all library fines/lost books, lost textbooks, lost PE locks etc.

5.  Each family member will receive two tickets.  On the day of Promotion you will have an opportunity to pick up additional tickets if you have called and have been put on a waiting list.  Mrs. Lanman will be at a desk as you come in

the playground door (door #1).  Tickets will still be limited.  If you know you will not be attending the ceremony please contact Mrs. Lanman (

6.  Entrance to Edison for Promotion:

        use door #1 (inside the fenced in playground area) or door #12 on the east side of the building

7.  The doors will open at 8:30 am

8.  Parking:

         *  Inside the fenced in playground

         *  Both sides of Prairie Street (not in front of the fenced in playground area since this area is reserved for

               PE buses) -   please do not block driveways of residents who live across from Edison

         *  State Street

         *  The Champaign Public Library

          *  Healey Street


9.  We understand our families are tremendously proud of their 8th graders, but we ask your help in refraining from clapping while the names of other students receiving their certificates are being read.  We want all family members to hear the name of their 8th grader being read.  This will only happen if everyone holds their applause and/or cheering until all the names have been read.


10.  At the end of promotion the 8th graders will leave the auditorium heading up to the 3rd floor to prevent congestion outside the auditorium.  Parents are welcome to go to the 3rd floor to say goodbye to 8th grade



 Any questions please contact Jackie Borchardt ( or 377 - 8584)


May 28


Eighth Grade Dance and 8th Grade Parents: The 8th Grade Dance at Edison Middle School is Thursday, May 29, 2014  from 7-9 p.m. We still need about 5 more volunteers to help with concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by replying to .


Volunteers should arrive at 6:40 p.m. and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with nametags and duty assignments. Volunteer duties include helping with concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors (doors are left open to allow air in and out, but no one is allowed to enter or leave). If your child does not want you in the gym, let me know and I can assign you to concessions.


Basic Information about the 8th Grade Dance

*Only 8th Grade Edison students will be allowed

*Admission is Free

*Students must have a signed permission slip

*No one is permitted in after 7:30 p.m.

*Snacks and Cake are free

*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 9 p.m.



May 27


8th Grade Promotion Practice: Thurs., May 29:  8th graders will be practicing for promotion from 1:20 until 2:40 in the auditorium.  All 7th grade ambassadors are to be in attendance at this practice.


8th Grade Promotion: Friday, May 30:  8th grade promotion beginning at 9am in the auditorium. 


8th graders:  if you did not purchase a yearbook you still have a chance to do so.  We have about 45 extra yearbooks.  Bring $25 to Ms. Lanman to secure a yearbook for yourself by Wed., May 28. 




May 23


8th Grade Promotion: 7th grade ambassadors who will be helping with 8th grade promotion will be meeting with Ms. Borchardt Friday, May 23 at 8:00 am in the auditorium for about 20 min.  Please check in with your first hour teacher then report to the auditorium.


All track members who ordered pictures need to stop by Ms. Borchardt's room after school to pick up your pictures.


8th graders:  if you did not purchase a yearbook you still have a chance to do so.  We have about 45 extra yearbooks.  Bring $25 to Ms. Lanman to secure a yearbook for yourself by Wed., May 28. 


8th grade promotion;

*  letter to parents about promotion is attached

*  please contact Jackie Borchardt if anyone attending promotion is in need of handicap parking, use of the elevator and/or wheelchair accessible seating ( or 377 - 8584)

*   all students are required to be in attendance for promotion practice on Thurs., May 29 from 

     1:20 until 2:40 pm.  

*  On Friday, May 30 doors will open at 8:30 am.  


May 21


Reminder: We are having an issue with parents and students ordering food for lunch to be delivered. Edison does not allow outside lunch to be delivered unless the parent eats with their student.



Central Site Location: See attached for new additions to FAQs regarding the new site location for Central High School. For a complete list of FAQ here is the link visit:



Central Golf Outing: Central HS Boy's and Girls Golf Team  Attention future Central HS Freshmen.  If you are interested in trying out for the Central HS Boys Golf Team, please contact the new golf coach, Mr. Jeff Butts, at (217) 369-9734 or  Tryouts for the team will be held in mid- August, and the high school season runs through early October.  Mr. Butts can give you information about summer golf practice times and several tournament options during the summer as well. Interested girls should contact Larry Becker at (217) 766-3532.



On Sunday, June 1ST there will be a golf outing at the U of I Blue Course to benefit the boys and girls golf teams. 


There will be a lunch at noon followed by a shotgun start at 1:00 pm.  The format is a scramble, which means that your foursome competes as a team, so the pressure is off.  A scramble format allows all team members to hit their own shot, and the team can choose the best one; then you all hit your next shot from there, until you get in in the hole. Get some of your friends together and bring them out to have a fun afternoon that benefits CHS golf teams.  See the attachments below to register your foursome for this event and/or make a donation.  Also if you or some friend can sponsor a hole, that would be a valuable donation to the boys and girl teams. Contact the new coach, Jeff Butts, for hole sponsorships or other donations. See the attachments for more detail. 



Central Soccer: Interested in playing soccer for Central High School?  All boys, with or without experience, are invited to join summer practices!  These sessions are encouraged for all boys wanting to tryout for the JV and Varsity teams.


There will be an informational meeting before the first summer practice on June 5th at 6pm.  The meeting, and all practices, will take place at Central's soccer field - Franklin Field - located directly behind Judah Christian School and accessed off of Sherwood Terrace.


Please see the Central Boy's Soccer website for practice times throughout the summer.  It will be updated throughout the summer with any new information.  Next season's schedule is also posted.  


Tryouts for boys soccer will start Wednesday, August 13th.  Boys must sign up at Central High School's Athletic Registraion before tryouts.  Go to the athletic website, click Registration and Create a New Account.


If you have questions, please contact the boy's coach, Steve Whiteley, at



Tap In Leadership for the Summer: Attached is info and an application for Tap In during the summer.



May 22nd Ticket Pick Up: 8th grade parents a letter should have went home with your student regarding 8th grade graduation. The letter outlines expectations and when families can pick up their tickets. Because space is limited in the auditorium, students will be only allowed 2 tickets. You will be able to pick up your tickets starting on May 22nd. If you know you will need extras you can be put on a wait list. Once tickets are distributed you will be notified if they are able to accommodate your request.













The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>




Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.



Important Dates:


May 30: 8th Grade Graduation @ 9am


May 28


Eighth Grade Dance and 8th Grade Parents: The 8th Grade Dance at Edison Middle School is Thursday, May 29, 2014  from 7-9 p.m. We still need about 5 more volunteers to help with concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by replying to 


Volunteers should arrive at 6:40 p.m. and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with nametags and duty assignments. Volunteer duties include helping with concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors (doors are left open to allow air in and out, but no one is allowed to enter or leave). If your child does not want you in the gym, let me know and I can assign you to concessions.


Basic Information about the 8th Grade Dance

*Only 8th Grade Edison students will be allowed

*Admission is Free

*Students must have a signed permission slip

*No one is permitted in after 7:30 p.m.

*Snacks and Cake are free

*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 9 p.m.



May 27


8th Grade Promotion Practice: Thurs., May 29:  8th graders will be practicing for promotion from 1:20 until 2:40 in the auditorium.  All 7th grade ambassadors are to be in attendance at this practice.


8th Grade Promotion: Friday, May 30:  8th grade promotion beginning at 9am in the auditorium. 


8th graders:  if you did not purchase a yearbook you still have a chance to do so.  We have about 45 extra yearbooks.  Bring $25 to Ms. Lanman to secure a yearbook for yourself by Wed., May 28. 




May 23


8th Grade Promotion: 7th grade ambassadors who will be helping with 8th grade promotion will be meeting with Ms. Borchardt Friday, May 23 at 8:00 am in the auditorium for about 20 min.  Please check in with your first hour teacher then report to the auditorium.


All track members who ordered pictures need to stop by Ms. Borchardt's room after school to pick up your pictures.


8th graders:  if you did not purchase a yearbook you still have a chance to do so.  We have about 45 extra yearbooks.  Bring $25 to Ms. Lanman to secure a yearbook for yourself by Wed., May 28. 


8th grade promotion;

*  letter to parents about promotion is attached

*  please contact Jackie Borchardt if anyone attending promotion is in need of handicap parking, use of the elevator and/or wheelchair accessible seating ( or 377 - 8584)

*   all students are required to be in attendance for promotion practice on Thurs., May 29 from 

     1:20 until 2:40 pm.  

*  On Friday, May 30 doors will open at 8:30 am.  


May 21


Reminder: We are having an issue with parents and students ordering food for lunch to be delivered. Edison does not allow outside lunch to be delivered unless the parent eats with their student.



Central Site Location: See attached for new additions to FAQs regarding the new site location for Central High School. For a complete list of FAQ here is the link visit:



Central Golf Outing: Central HS Boy's and Girls Golf Team  Attention future Central HS Freshmen.  If you are interested in trying out for the Central HS Boys Golf Team, please contact the new golf coach, Mr. Jeff Butts, at (217) 369-9734 or  Tryouts for the team will be held in mid- August, and the high school season runs through early October.  Mr. Butts can give you information about summer golf practice times and several tournament options during the summer as well. Interested girls should contact Larry Becker at (217) 766-3532.



On Sunday, June 8 there will be a golf outing at the U of I Blue Course to benefit the boys and girls golf teams. 


There will be a lunch at noon followed by a shotgun start at 1:00 pm.  The format is a scramble, which means that your foursome competes as a team, so the pressure is off.  A scramble format allows all team members to hit their own shot, and the team can choose the best one; then you all hit your next shot from there, until you get in in the hole. Get some of your friends together and bring them out to have a fun afternoon that benefits CHS golf teams.  See the attachments below to register your foursome for this event and/or make a donation.  Also if you or some friend can sponsor a hole, that would be a valuable donation to the boys and girl teams. Contact the new coach, Jeff Butts, for hole sponsorships or other donations. See the attachments for more detail. 



Central Soccer: Interested in playing soccer for Central High School?  All boys, with or without experience, are invited to join summer practices!  These sessions are encouraged for all boys wanting to tryout for the JV and Varsity teams.


There will be an informational meeting before the first summer practice on June 5th at 6pm.  The meeting, and all practices, will take place at Central's soccer field - Franklin Field - located directly behind Judah Christian School and accessed off of Sherwood Terrace.


Please see the Central Boy's Soccer website for practice times throughout the summer.  It will be updated throughout the summer with any new information.  Next season's schedule is also posted.  


Tryouts for boys soccer will start Wednesday, August 13th.  Boys must sign up at Central High School's Athletic Registraion before tryouts.  Go to the athletic website, click Registration and Create a New Account.


If you have questions, please contact the boy's coach, Steve Whiteley, at



May 13


Tap In Leadership for the Summer: Attached is info and an application for Tap In during the summer.



Eighth Grade Dance and 8th Grade Parents: The 8th Grade Dance at Edison Middle School is Thursday, May 29, 2014  from 7-9 p.m. We need a minimum of 10 volunteers to help with concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by replying to .


Volunteers should arrive at 6:40 p.m. and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with nametags and duty assignments. Volunteer duties include helping with concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors (doors are left open to allow air in and out, but no one is allowed to enter or leave). If your child does not want you in the gym, let me know and I can assign you to concessions.


Basic Information about the 8th Grade Dance

*Only 8th Grade Edison students will be allowed

*Admission is Free

*Students must have a signed permission slip

*No one is permitted in after 7:30 p.m.

*Snacks and Cake are free

*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 9 p.m.




May 22nd Ticket Pick Up: 8th grade parents a letter should have went home with your student regarding 8th grade graduation. The letter outlines expectations and when families can pick up their tickets. Because space is limited in the auditorium, students will be only allowed 2 tickets. You will be able to pick up your tickets starting on May 22nd. If you know you will need extras you can be put on a wait list. Once tickets are distributed you will be notified if they are able to accommodate your request.





8th Grade Calendar of Events: There are a lot of end of the year events for 8th grade students. Attached is a calendar of events. Please look over there's a lot coming up!










The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>




Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Home of the Comets


 May 27


Track: All track members who ordered pictures need to stop by Ms. Borchardt's room after school to pick up your pictures.


Basketball Camp: Any boy currently in 6th or 7th grade who is interested in Coach Changnon's basketball camp needs to have their registration form and payment turned in to Ms. Borchardt.


Baseball: If you are interested in trying out for the Edison baseball team next year your required paperwork is due to Ms. Borchardt by July 11.  Tryouts for anyone NOT on the team last year will be on Monday, Aug. 4 from

8 – 10 am at Zahnd Park.  The second day of tryouts includes everyone who tried out on Monday plus any members of last years baseball team. Tryouts will be from 8 – 10 am AND 4 – 5:30 pm.  You must attend all days of practice as scheduled.


Cross Country: If you are interested in participating in Cross Country your required paperwork is also due July 11.  Practice begins Aug. 4 – everyone is required to begin practicing with the team on this date.  Time and location will be announced.


Fliers available on the athletic bulletin boards:

1.          Info about IESA sports

2.         Required paperwork packets

3.         Coach Changnon's basketball camp for current 6th and 7th grade boys

4.          Coach McCoy's open gym dates for boys currently in 6th grade

5.         Baseball tryout rubric (attached scan 3 and 4)

6.         Edison Cross Country summer running program (attached scan 5)

7.         Self defense and cheerleading camps provided by the Salvation Army

8.         Central Boys Cross Country parent meeting

9.         Central Boys Soccer

10.      Central football



The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <<>><>. The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <<>><> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <<>><> or <>


Edison Middle School PTSA Announcements

306 West Green Street

Champaign, IL 61820-5099

Phone: (217) 351-3771  Fax: (217) 355-2564


Edison's Mission

It is our mission at Edison Middle School to work collaboratively to place the focus on the academic, social, and emotional needs of each individual student first and ensure that ALL students are prepared for post-secondary education.



Important Dates:


May 30: 8th Grade Graduation @ 9am


May 27


8th Grade Promotion Practice: Thurs., May 29:  8th graders will be practicing for promotion from 1:20 until 2:40 in the auditorium.  All 7th grade ambassadors are to be in attendance at this practice.


8th Grade Promotion: Friday, May 30:  8th grade promotion beginning at 9am in the auditorium. 


8th graders:  if you did not purchase a yearbook you still have a chance to do so.  We have about 45 extra yearbooks.  Bring $25 to Ms. Lanman to secure a yearbook for yourself by Wed., May 28. 




May 23


8th Grade Promotion: 7th grade ambassadors who will be helping with 8th grade promotion will be meeting with Ms. Borchardt Friday, May 23 at 8:00 am in the auditorium for about 20 min.  Please check in with your first hour teacher then report to the auditorium.


 8th grade promotion;

*  letter to parents about promotion is attached

*  please contact Jackie Borchardt if anyone attending promotion is in need of handicap parking, use of the elevator and/or wheelchair accessible seating ( or 377 - 8584)

*   all students are required to be in attendance for promotion practice on Thurs., May 29 from 

     1:20 until 2:40 pm.  

*  On Friday, May 30 doors will open at 8:30 am.  


May 21


Reminder: We are having an issue with parents and students ordering food for lunch to be delivered. Edison does not allow outside lunch to be delivered unless the parent eats with their student.



Central Site Location: See attached for new additions to FAQs regarding the new site location for Central High School. For a complete list of FAQ here is the link visit:



Central Golf Outing: Central HS Boy's and Girls Golf Team  Attention future Central HS Freshmen.  If you are interested in trying out for the Central HS Boys Golf Team, please contact the new golf coach, Mr. Jeff Butts, at (217) 369-9734 or  Tryouts for the team will be held in mid- August, and the high school season runs through early October.  Mr. Butts can give you information about summer golf practice times and several tournament options during the summer as well. Interested girls should contact Larry Becker at (217) 766-3532.



On Sunday, June 8 there will be a golf outing at the U of I Blue Course to benefit the boys and girls golf teams. 


There will be a lunch at noon followed by a shotgun start at 1:00 pm.  The format is a scramble, which means that your foursome competes as a team, so the pressure is off.  A scramble format allows all team members to hit their own shot, and the team can choose the best one; then you all hit your next shot from there, until you get in in the hole. Get some of your friends together and bring them out to have a fun afternoon that benefits CHS golf teams.  See the attachments below to register your foursome for this event and/or make a donation.  Also if you or some friend can sponsor a hole, that would be a valuable donation to the boys and girl teams. Contact the new coach, Jeff Butts, for hole sponsorships or other donations. See the attachments for more detail. 



Central Soccer: Interested in playing soccer for Central High School?  All boys, with or without experience, are invited to join summer practices!  These sessions are encouraged for all boys wanting to tryout for the JV and Varsity teams.


There will be an informational meeting before the first summer practice on June 5th at 6pm.  The meeting, and all practices, will take place at Central's soccer field - Franklin Field - located directly behind Judah Christian School and accessed off of Sherwood Terrace.


Please see the Central Boy's Soccer website for practice times throughout the summer.  It will be updated throughout the summer with any new information.  Next season's schedule is also posted.  


Tryouts for boys soccer will start Wednesday, August 13th.  Boys must sign up at Central High School's Athletic Registraion before tryouts.  Go to the athletic website, click Registration and Create a New Account.


If you have questions, please contact the boy's coach, Steve Whiteley, at



May 13


Tap In Leadership for the Summer: Attached is info and an application for Tap In during the summer.



Eighth Grade Dance and 8th Grade Parents: The 8th Grade Dance at Edison Middle School is Thursday, May 29, 2014  from 7-9 p.m. We need a minimum of 10 volunteers to help with concessions and monitor the gym. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know by replying to .


Volunteers should arrive at 6:40 p.m. and check in at the concession table in the cafeteria. I will have a table with nametags and duty assignments. Volunteer duties include helping with concessions, helping check in students, monitoring the front door, halls and bathroom, and watching the dance floor and gym doors (doors are left open to allow air in and out, but no one is allowed to enter or leave). If your child does not want you in the gym, let me know and I can assign you to concessions.


Basic Information about the 8th Grade Dance

*Only 8th Grade Edison students will be allowed

*Admission is Free

*Students must have a signed permission slip

*No one is permitted in after 7:30 p.m.

*Snacks and Cake are free

*All students must remain in the building until the dance is dismissed at 9 p.m.




May 22nd Ticket Pick Up: 8th grade parents a letter should have went home with your student regarding 8th grade graduation. The letter outlines expectations and when families can pick up their tickets. Because space is limited in the auditorium, students will be only allowed 2 tickets. You will be able to pick up your tickets starting on May 22nd. If you know you will need extras you can be put on a wait list. Once tickets are distributed you will be notified if they are able to accommodate your request.





8th Grade Calendar of Events: There are a lot of end of the year events for 8th grade students. Attached is a calendar of events. Please look over there's a lot coming up!










The Announcements are managed by the Edison Middle School PTSA. If you would like to submit information, please send your content to <> The PTSA reserves the right to deny or edit submissions. If you would like to unsubscribe, please send an e-mail to <> and include "Unsubscribe" in the Subject Header or go here: <> Archives of the announcements can be found at <> or <>